TOO Fluffy


Hey guys Ive done a lot of reading on this topic and decided to start a new thread to hopefully get it all cleared up. (I am having this issue as well and need advice)

My buds are too fluffy. My last batch was fluffy and after i dried and cured it improperly the buds smelled like tea, tasted like plant, and had no high. When i weigh it out, its rediculously leight weight. The people i show it too always get blown away at how much is on the scale for just 1gram.

I have 3 new plants now and they are starting to look the same way, 5 weeks into flowering.

Im using a Cool Tube 600w mh/hps. It is 6 inches away from my tallest plant, and the thermostat, which is hanging next to the tallest plant's cola, stays at 78 degrees. I use organic soil with 1 cubic foot in each pot, mixed with some sand. I feed them each 1/3 gallon of water every 4 days, with 12-48-12 nute mixed in. (yesterday I started adding molassis as well) I have a bath fan hanging in the middle of the room with a vent tube that leads outside the room. It is active 15 minutes, twice a day. During that same time I have a small oscilating fan that blows air around the base of the plants. I got my seeds from a bag of decent poop weed(mids).

PS: i know now how to properly dry/cure my bud so that will help some...
PSS: soon i will be adding a CO2 suppliment via oyster mushrooms.

TY for tips.


3 plants between 3-4 feet each. and they are a bit stretched, although i keep my light as close as possibly throughout all stages.


My fisrt post says i got my seeds from a bag of decent mids. (You'd think growing it homegrown I could get better then what It came from at the time but i dont even get close) BTW would it be worth it to transplant them now into bigger buckets?


Well-Known Member
Pics would help.I done the same thing .then I found different strains (Casey Jones, AK47, White Widow) have all worked for me,Nice tight nuggs,Also try some Bat Shit


Yeah i tried pics but they actually look a lot better in the picture then IRL heh. And I tried ordering seeds once and customs grabbed my order...


Well-Known Member
Use a training technique and go for shorter, bushier plants. Keep your canopy even. If budget allows, ditch the cooltube and get something like an easycool or a supernova. Cooltubes are great for keeping temps down but I dont care much for their lighting footprint.


Active Member
Try lowering the Heat and adding more air flow around the plants. also your bulb maybe crap and not giving the intensity it should be. How old is the bulb and what type of bulb.