Too late to grow? Need help.


Okay, so my fucking plant got drowned like 3 months ago after a flood. Fuck my luck.

Is it too late to start growing?

Info for the people who need it

Average sunlight a day: Around 14 hours
Average temperature: 70-85 Degrees F'
Average rain: about once every week
Night Time Temperature: 65-75 Degrees F'
( this is for August - November )

Winter Conditions:
Average Sunlight: About the same
Average Day temperature: 65-80 Degrees F'
Average rain: Once every few weeks ( 1-5 )
Average Nightime temp: 50-70 Degrees F'
Average snow: haha, yeah, i wish. NONE.

I live in Alabama. Its always Hot as HELL down here, really no matter what season. I recall last winter and so on to be rather warm, or ever hot. It doesnt get freezing here since its down south. It never snows, if it does ( it will like every 4 years, not this year)

I mean i still got a good 4 months i could grow until the conditions might be risky for growth.

I cant smoke bud for a while, due to just some shit.

And while i cant smoke, i think about smoking constantly, and i figured something out.

If i cant smoke bud, and think about it all day, why dont i just grow it? Because by the time i harvest, ill be in the clear for smoking again, and to get my mind off of bud, i can tend to it everyday. This would help alot, and i could still think about bud, and slowly watch the progression of my plant. And by the time i cure the buds, i will have such a powerful taste for the bud, that i can sit back, and smoke my OWN bud. No more buying. Im pretty sure one plant will yield enough to set me good for a couple of months since i dont smoke so much. An eighth will get me for a good week or two. And a plant should yield a few ounces.

Can i grow?


Well i have nutrients that are like super pumped with nitrogen, potash, magnesium, ect. and all the other basic shit you need in nutrients. Imma just do it.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea. Whats the worst that could happen you may get a smaller plant that you wanted but oh well.

P.S. whats ur avitar


Hell yea. Whats the worst that could happen you may get a smaller plant that you wanted but oh well.

P.S. whats ur avitar
My avitar is of an illadelph bong. Illadelph is probably the best glass product on the market. Illadelph glass is like the Bentley to cars. Top of the line.