Too long


How do you know if youve waited too long to harvest? Because I have a jock horror that seems to be losing its trics off the small leaves next to the budds. Anyone have an answer?:confused:
HELLO no answer huh? Im starting to think this place is full of stuck up jackasses. I can believe no one can give me an answer.
HELLO no answer huh? Im starting to think this place is full of stuck up jackasses. I can believe no one can give me an answer.

Sometimes it takes longer than 3 1/2 hours for someone to reply. Deal with it.

How far along are your plants? What are your tric's telling you? Any pictures?
HELLO no answer huh? Im starting to think this place is full of stuck up jackasses. I can believe no one can give me an answer.
why not do a little research before you start demanding answers from all of us stuck up jackasses? I've said it before and I'll say it again, you should have to pass an IQ test with a score no lower than 100 to be allowed onto the internet. stuck up enough for ya? In a perfect world someone would be over shortly to confiscate you keyboard.
Its 7 weeks into budding

They look good for 7 weeks. Not sure why you would be losing trics from the sugar leaves. What leads you to believe you are losing them?

You definitely aren't too far along. What do your trics look like? clear, cloudy, amber?

How much longer do you think they have?
bro if you post like that nobody will take you seriously. you sound like a toddler that needs his ass wiped. And like others have said you aren't that far along in your budding process so just wait it out. I see immature flowers and that is why there is not copious resin production. If you don't like your results, try, try, and try again with different methods and genetics. I know you can read, right? So get on here and find somebody that has killer results and use their advice and methods. This website is not a bunch of jackasses, just people that aren't at your every beck and call due to having lives and not waiting for some poor son of a b to have problems to post. be patient and you will go far here and in your grow room. No offense meant by any of this, just sayin you sound like a douchebag and nobody gives a shit about helping douchebag's on here. I mean would you? Keep us posted on your progress and if you do that people will offer advice.
Thanks very much captain and hybridbud. I hope 1-2 weeks more.The trics are cloudy. They seemed to be alot frostier at week 5. Ive learned alot from just reading other peoples questions in here. I get pissed cause I see how many views my question gets and dont get a answer. Or Ill read someone elses question and the answer they get is pretty much calling them stupid. Sorry.
dont take offence to the way people respond to a question, even if it is bad. just see if it has info you could use then brush it off. as for the calling people stupid its usualy becuz the question they are asking either has no defnate answer or has been asked a million times already. have a little patience i once had a post get over 200 views b4 i got a response.
what you are seeing is normal, you have 2 to 4 more weeks to go likely or maybe even longer, you need to wait for them to be ripe which will likely be in the next 3 to 4 more weeks but could be even longer than that.
Thanks very much captain and hybridbud. I hope 1-2 weeks more.The trics are cloudy. They seemed to be alot frostier at week 5. Ive learned alot from just reading other peoples questions in here. I get pissed cause I see how many views my question gets and dont get a answer. Or Ill read someone elses question and the answer they get is pretty much calling them stupid. Sorry.

You've at least two weeks left, probably more like 3.