Too many m*therf*cking healthy plants


Active Member
Look at that shit. Goddam mutherfucking healthy plants. SIX of the cockfuckers! In a 4x2 tent. Fuck.

CNBIS 1 W4 D28 017b.jpg

I was going to wait another two or three weeks to put them into flower, but I don't think I have the room to let them go that long, and I sure as shit don't have the heart to kill a girl.

The tall sumnabitch in the back is the Thai Fantasy Auto. I transplanted it, figuring it needed a 3 gallon pot and that the transplant would be a good way to shock it and kill it.

Nope. It thrived.

The OGK18 on the front left got snapped at the second node last night while I was LSTing it, a day after topping it. 24 hours later the fucking cocksucker is shooting for the moon, firm and rigid like a politician at a sorority career day.

The Blue Cheese (back left), White Widow (front right), HGK (back right), and Purple Haze (front center) have been treated well and their vigor doesn't bother me so much as surprise the shit out of me and totally fuck my plans to have killed 50% of this first grow before hitting the ol' 12-12.


Goddam shit-fucker-cunt-ass-refuse-to-die-at-my-clumsy-hands weeds!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
id give em the 2 weeks you wanted too. theyll just get taller and help yield mmore. as long as you can keep humidity down so no mold grows when they start gettin closer


Well-Known Member
Ive been there its a good problem to have, where do you live anyway you can put her outside??????? They look great keep it up man!!


Active Member
id give em the 2 weeks you wanted too. theyll just get taller and help yield mmore. as long as you can keep humidity down so no mold grows when they start gettin closer
I may just do that. I'm gonna be out if town in ten days, and would rather wait until I get back before firing up the stretchy works. But I have no depth left in the 2 foot deep tent,so I guess I'll be training like a circus zebra.


Active Member
Ive been there its a good problem to have, where do you live anyway you can put her outside??????? They look great keep it up man!!
Outside? Just moved and I assume 3 of my neighbors are cops and the other is Dick Chenney. Plus there's too much nature outside, I don't trust that hideous bitch goddess.

Thanks for the encouragement!


Well-Known Member
Hopefully you'll get lucky and kill atleast half of them through sheer verbal abuse. The other half possibly with ignorance and some good ol' over feeding. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you


Active Member
We all wish we had your problem. Nothing a bigger tent won't solve. Use the dinky one for clones.
Unfortunately space doesn't allow for a bigger tent, so hopefully necessity births some invention.

Also, hey! I could still screw this up badly and end with plenty of room! Here's drinking to happy outcomes!


Active Member
Tek, the Purple Haze is from G13. And I messed up, the Haze is the one on the back left, front center is the Blue Cheese. My Haze was a real slow starter, had thoughts of chucking it as late as two weeks past germ. Here she is now, up close:

CNBIS 1 W4 D28 001.jpg


Active Member
Sweet looking, and yeah, that's a bush you've got there. Did you do any training on it, or is that all natural?

I think I remember a PH grow journal somewhere in the journal section, that's what lead me to grab the beans. I did a second order for the PH and White Widow after initially thinking I'd just go with Blue Cheese, OGK18 and the HGK. Glad I added those two to the roster, the widow is already showing alternating branches since day 24 of veg.


Well-Known Member
its topped super cropped and lst it was root bound for about 2 months in a 1 gal its about 4-5 months old roughly
it just recovered from transplant and being root bound really slow grower 70-80 day flower time when i finally flip it i want it as big as i can handle in my box
thats why i want to see it in a journal so i can judge the stretch


Active Member
No way I have the fortitude for a 4 or 5 month veg. Since I'm growing meds just for myself I figure a 45 day veg on 6 plants should give me enough yield to get through to the next harvest. I'm using smartpots, the fabric thingies, which from what I read prevent the plant from getting root bound as they air trim. But I wouldn't take my word on it.

I figure I'm flipping to 12-12 around 15 Sept. Should see by the first or second week of October how stretchy she is. If you're planning on waiting past that maybe I can give you some idea of what you're in for. I need to be a bit better updating my grow journal, but when I do update I almost always throw pics in. Maybe it will be helpful.