Too many plants dilema


Active Member
5 pinapple express autos, all are doing great but 3 are obviously a superior phenotype, the 3 superior ones are at least 300% larger than the other two.

My current flowers should be done in 3-4weeks, so I'll be ready to move them then.

I have a 400w HPS. Should I move the 3 "beast" under my HPS and flower the weaker 2 under my 125w CFL? Or should I move all 5 under my HPS?

Concerned about coverage with that many plants, 3 plants just feel right under the 400w....

Which way will give me the most yield?


Well-Known Member
Naw... put your hand at the top of the plants and if your hand can take the heat then your ladies will be fine. I have fit ALOT of plants under 400 watters in the past


Active Member
I would put them all under the 400watt if i was in your situation but now i have 3 1000watt switchable MH,HPS lights and i never put more then 6 under each and the ladys love it good luck


Active Member
they will all fit under it quite easily. just check the temp with the back side of your hand and it should be fine. happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf:


Active Member
they should fit under the 400 put the biggest furthest along under the light and put the smaller ones up on something like blocks or whatever to make them even then finish the furthest along then move the other s under good luck bud u should be ok i use three 400 watters right now and try to get them all as even as i can and as close as i can without burning them do the hand thing


Well-Known Member
I think I know where your going with this. You are trying to get a even canopy right? In order to do that you will need to stretch to smaller ones. There is 2 options IMO. 1 leave the larger ones under the cfl and veg and have the little ones under MH to veg for a week. Keep the MH 24 inch up so they grow to it. Then toss in the others and set it 18 inch from the tallest plant. 2 move them all under the MH and veg with light 18" off the tallest and let the plants deside if they stretch or not. Oh and you can top the larger ones so they get bushier and leave the smaller ones to grow norm. That's the best I could say