Too many plants?

  • Okay.... So after 1 cfl grow under his belt using bagseed my buddy took the money and invested in a 5x5x7 grow tent with 1 600 watt ballast and an 6 inch 429 cfm fan with a carbon filter. After getting 10 seeds 5 ice and 5 wonderwoman, he germed them all hoping to get at least 5 plants! 2 weeks later they have all 10 begun the veg state! Yay! Well kinda
    Wasnt planning on this many plants and pretty sure I dont have enough light or room to support them into flowering
    Any suggestions? Please keep in mind that this is a first serious grow... Thx in advance for all the help!​



Active Member
You can make that happen. Just flower early and don't put them in big pots. Trim your lower growth that won't be seeing much light since you'll have them somewhat squeezed in there and you'll want mostly tops.


Well-Known Member
If you got 5 females give them a 4 to 5 week veg from seed then flip, Your better off giving the side plants the left over light then letting it go to waste.


Active Member
Also, my 600 got my area up to 109 degrees Fahrenheit with an open batwing reflector. Good thing I did a dry run. Apparently intake is as important as exhaust.


Well-Known Member
He already said he didnt have the room. Just go with 6 plants. Buds will be bigger with less plants. Do you have some oscillating fans?Will help with the heat, and time of day lights are on can help with the heat. Its a pain to move 10 plants in a small space.......but thats a pretty big tent.


Well-Known Member
Cooltube or a aircooled hood with make your life much easier. I personaly wouldnt run a 600 or 1000 watt without one.