Too many


Well-Known Member
i was out driving around the other day doing some running for my office. anyways i dont know if it is a coincidence, but there are a shitload of churches banks and hospitals being built in my area. i mean just like wal-greens there is at least 1 church within a block of each other here, the health care center that is building the new hospital has another huge hospital not even 10minutes down the road.... maybe im just out of line but whats going on here???


Well-Known Member
i was out driving around the other day doing some running for my office. anyways i dont know if it is a coincidence, but there are a shitload of churches banks and hospitals being built in my area. i mean just like wal-greens there is at least 1 church within a block of each other here, the health care center that is building the new hospital has another huge hospital not even 10minutes down the road.... maybe im just out of line but whats going on here???
300,000,000 and growing!:peace:


Asshole Patrol
Fuckin' Ridonkulous....

We have new churches going in everywhere too, but there are already a bigillion of them. I honestly didnt know there were that many different types of religion, let alone that many people that still went to church.

So what? If you dont believe exactly what Catholics or Christians or whatever say, you get a small following to run with you two blocks down the road, and you get to open your own church?? What the fuck? They're like Starbucks! Do they get grants or some shit for this stuff??

I'm honestly very ignorant when it comes down to religion... raised Catholic, but not for long. And I really have nor want no recollection of the experiences I had with a church.

My words of advice: Dont drink the Kool-Aid. :-)