Too Much Electricity?


Active Member
Hi, I was wondering if a couple hundred dollars increase in my monthy electric bill will cause attention from law enforcment? In a apartment im guessing the average is 50-100$ a month about 400-500KWH. Let's say I was to do 4 600w lights 12 hours a day. Which 2000w 12 hours a day, thats 24KWH per day x 30 = 720KWH. Which would increase my electric bill about 100$ more a month. So my question is do you think 720KWH(lights) + 500KWH(everyday use) = 1220 KWH a month. Thats about 200$ a month just in electricity in a 3 bedroom apartment. Do you think that will cause attention from law enforcment?

There will be no smell, and no view from the outside, and i havent told anyone. Im just wondering in electricity alone will it be suspecious?


Well-Known Member
To answer your question, I personally think a $200 / month increase in an apartment - or even a house for that matter - would be real suspicious ... very much so.


Well-Known Member
i think i just read a post like this word for word on another thread... oh yeah, its called


Well-Known Member
The electric bill would be my last concern in an apt grow, so when you are laying in bed at night paranoid from that last bong blow worry about your landlord or nosy neighbors/friends, and rest asured about the electric bill.


Well-Known Member
It might look a little suspicious if it were to spike, but unless you are getting clones straight away and a shit ton of them you could easily start off with just one or two of those lights and then add more as the plants start to get bigger and take up more room. That's quite a bit to spike up, even though I doubt it would be enough to draw police, but a gradual increase is always less noticeable.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
In a 3 bedroom apartment you can safely have up to 3000 total wattage usgae with no suspicion. Now that said you can help drop your actual usage and make the spike even less. Figure tvs use 100-500 watts each so turn them off or use sleep timers if not in use. Change all your home incadescent bulbs to 26 watt cfls that cuts your light usgae in half right there. Turn lights off when not needed.Keep lights off until latests possible times to save usage. Unplug laptops,dvd players and stereos that have indicastor or standby lights as they use the same electric when on or just waiting so unplug them or get a power strip with a switch to flip on and off.If you have an electric water heater turn the temp down now its spring to svae heating the tank to much saves a ton.Keep shades closed if its hot to keep sun out and temps cool so less ac usage.If you have electric heat keep shades open if its cold inside to let the sun heat the apartment.All these can cut your standard electric by 70% so the new lights wont make much difference.Also turn home computers off not on standby as they use 150-800 watts. Big screens use alot few hundred watts to so run them less also.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
ps...change your door lock or dead bolt so no unknown visits happen its better to have to tell the landlord you had your keys stolen from someplace and were scared so you changed the lock for saftey then to come home and find a warrant served paper.


Well-Known Member
ps...change your door lock or dead bolt so no unknown visits happen its better to have to tell the landlord you had your keys stolen from someplace and were scared so you changed the lock for saftey then to come home and find a warrant served paper.
great tip man............:joint:


Well-Known Member
What I did, before I started growing, all floros, but my rent includes the cost of electricity so I don't want to alert the landlord...

I ran my tv and tungsten lights all day, the ps3 (around 300 watts, did "Folding at Home") while I was researching all this stuff. Leave the tv on, etc.

So I arc'd up my electric a little with that.

Then I replaced my tungstens with floros, turned off the ps3 and tv during the day and started growing.

I'm probably generating LESS electricity now, than I was before (all floros... may not be the greatest grow, but I need STEADY, not necessarily good... and still better than schwag, woka woka woka.


Well-Known Member
In a 3 bedroom apartment you can safely have up to 3000 total wattage usgae with no suspicion. Now that said you can help drop your actual usage and make the spike even less. Figure tvs use 100-500 watts each so turn them off or use sleep timers if not in use. Change all your home incadescent bulbs to 26 watt cfls that cuts your light usgae in half right there. Turn lights off when not needed.Keep lights off until latests possible times to save usage. Unplug laptops,dvd players and stereos that have indicastor or standby lights as they use the same electric when on or just waiting so unplug them or get a power strip with a switch to flip on and off.If you have an electric water heater turn the temp down now its spring to svae heating the tank to much saves a ton.Keep shades closed if its hot to keep sun out and temps cool so less ac usage.If you have electric heat keep shades open if its cold inside to let the sun heat the apartment.All these can cut your standard electric by 70% so the new lights wont make much difference.Also turn home computers off not on standby as they use 150-800 watts. Big screens use alot few hundred watts to so run them less also.
Easily the best advice in this thread. I do exactly that (more or less) ... my electricity bill is up $25 per month when it should really be up about $60 - this stuff works. - Great post Fletch!


Well-Known Member
your doing a grow big enough for 4 600w lamps in a rented apt. I hope those giant balls of yours don't get in the way when you walk, you must keep an awfully wide stance.