Too Much Light?


Well-Known Member
looks like a mg deficiency - but I germinated and have 1 foot plants growing in ocean forest under 400watt hortilux blue (18/6) and have not even thought about adding mg or other nutes nor have I had nute problems at all except for maybe some limited purple in the seedling stems which is gone now. So at the same time I can't imagine you have a soil problem.... plus you cut it down with perlite supposedly

For what its worth I germinated in MG organic soil under cfls (24/0) last time, and my seedlings ended up with the same spots and the same yellowing on lower nodes - I threw those away and started over in ocean forest with a 100-watt flourex flood light from home depot - those are the one footers that are under mh now - their whole life (planted july 20th) they have been lush green and are very far along, considering they only had 100 + 4*27w for their first 15 days.

just a thought, what is your relative humidity? - for what its worth when my seedlings ended up like this, they were in the same room with a window ac, keeping the air around 80f/25hum (lights on) - I am not sure if the very dry air had anything to do with it. The other difference between that attempt and my current success was 18/6 vs 24/0 last time.... read the do roots grow in the dark faq for more info


Active Member
okay i bought the clone from the medicinal place it was all green and brought it home.. placed it under 1 cfl & domed for a day and roots sprouted out of the rockwool so i mixed up a pot of fox farm soil 'ocean forest' and perlite...added just regular RO water and PH tested around 6.3 - 6.6 & added 5 cfl's to about 4 - 5 inches close w/ a few fan blowing good air towards the plant and light and a few days passed and started to see the difference.

if this helps.. this is all the info on the soil i mixed up

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Ocean Forest® Potting Soil
Good Things From the Earth and Sea
[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]The ultimate potting soil—everything your plants need, in one bag. Ocean Forest® is a powerhouse blend of premium earthworm castings, bat guano, and Pacific Northwest sea-going fish and crab meal. Composted forest humus, sandy loam, and sphagnum peat moss give Ocean Forest® its light, aerated texture. Start with Ocean Forest® and watch your plants come alive!

Garden tip: Perfect for containers and ready to use right out of the bag. Ocean Forest® is pH adjusted at 6.3 to 6.8 to allow for optimum fertilizer uptake. There’s no need for nitrogen fertilizers at first; instead try an organic blend like FoxFarm Big Bloom™ Liquid Plant Food to encourage strong branching and a sturdy, healthy growth habit.


Well-Known Member
#1 Take that glass off of it.
They need air flow.
You are holding it back.

#2 way too much light.
Clones need very little to almost no light until they get established.
Once they get a few nodes and 4-5 sets of leaves then you can put under the lights.

You want to start out high with the lights once they are under them.
Maybe 2 ft away.
Then gradually every (2-3) ds lower the lights a lil.

Then after a week or two you should be able to get those cfl's really close.
They closer they are the more air flow you will need.

Any drastic changes can stress the plant.

good luck


Active Member
okay here is an update on my clone since last time.. i went ahead and flushed it w/ some GROW BIG & BIG BLOOM... it did much better.. the yellowing went away and grew greener... now i only had 1 CFL on for the time being but now since it started to grow a lilttle i went ahead and turned on another one... now how long should i wait till i turn on the rest that i have. i have a total of 6 lights but only 2 on for the moment..



Well-Known Member
so you have had that clone for 10 day and it looking alot beter, just keep it the way it is for 3 or 4 moor day then start moveing them lights close intill thay are 2-3" away and then tern the rest of them lights on, but keep misting them 3 or 4 times a day. good luck