Too Much Or Too Little Nutrients??


Active Member
This is my first time growing hyrdo. I have a bubbler system and I just got my clones about 3 days ago. the clones (i would say) are about 2 weeks old. I got them in 1 inch rockwool cubes and the roots were just starting to come through the rockwool. My bubbler system is about 5 gallons and i have two foot long airstones. The first nutrient I bought was EarthJuice 2-1-1 for the veg cycle. It says for a normal mix...put 1 tbsp for each gallon. But everywhere on the internet it says only put about half the recomended dosage. So I put 3 tbsp in my 5 gallon system. In the past day and a half some of the leaves are starting to turn yellow. Too much or too little nutrients?!?!?! Or is nutrients not the problem at all?

do you have a PPM meter..?

You want the PPM to be between 200 and 1500, depending on the age of your plant and the nutrients you are using.. It is always smart to start with a low amunt of nutrients and then raise the PPM slowly...

When your leaves start to become VERY vERY dark green and/or the tips become brown.. you have OVER fertilized...


can you post a picture of your set up?

: )
Well, it could be the pH is off, but I don't think that you need a PPM meter just yet.

And maybe what you've read about using only half of the suggested strength is for chemical nutrients, and I think Earthjuice is all organic. I would increase the strength of your soup to closer what the label says.

Your plants are pretty small to go into a bubbler. I've seen troubles caused by the small plants getting splashed by the dripping onto the stones. One thing is for sure, when plants are small, they don't need to be irrigated constantly, and make sure that they get a regular supply of fresh air.

HTH :mrgreen:
Garden Knowm
hey watsup... im new to this website and ive been lookin around readin posts n stuff...u seem like u know alot
all i really know is you get some seeds....soil....light and water. im growing for personal use and i really dont wana waste 4 months on schwag u know what i mean?
if you think u can help plz msg me back

-stone on
i've been smokin a long time n the other day i was thinkin i want to grow a couple of my own plants... so i got on the internet n ended up here... so any starter tips for me? I got some nugget seeds from my friend...
Whats up dro?
Im in the same exact boat as you. New at growing and all. I'm working with a bubble kit just like yours. I was hoping we could exchange tips, pictures or whatever. You know help each other out if possible.

HEY first Hydro.


A ppm meter is the most valuable tool you can have (next to a PH tester).
Anybody growing hydro should have a PPM meter.. it will make your life so much easier.

They can be a bit pricey but it wil be worth its weight in gold.. wink wink..

: )

Totally ppm meter is esse tial, that will tell you wether or not the plants are using more nutes or water, failing that give them a brief flush if the issue ontinues its defdiciency. Thats what i do.