Too much or too little


Active Member
(Please ignore dampness on the larger plant…I simple dumped a few ounces of spare humidifier water on it)

I can’t tel if the yellow stuff is from too much or too little water. Re the “stick your finger down to the knuckle” test, the small one feels damp at that lever l while the large one feels dry.

Appreciate your view?



Active Member
Are you watering by weight? Or the old "It's dry to my first knuckle" method?
No set pattern. Sometimes a bunch, others a splash. By a bunch I mean until it dribbles out the bottom of the sacks. Maybe 32 ounces each.
Don't feel bad. Most of us bought into the marketing until we learned the error of our ways. It will probably do a fine job, just more expensively.
Thanks, it’s all good. I try to get as much via delivery and while I could have ventured out to buy my own components and mix it up, I figured for the first indoor grow it was worth the expense to save a trip.


Well-Known Member
Learn today how to water by weight. Then use 25% MINIMUM of container volume to water. If a 5-gallon bag then 1 1/4 gallon. Make sure it reaches the bottom by keeping soil loosened and aerated.


Well-Known Member
How often?
When the container gets light. Next transplant pick up the container after the plant is in the medium and before you moisten it. Pick it up multiple times. Then water a proper volume. Pick it up. Multiple times. Then daily just lift the container. Don't bother sticking your finger in. You'll quickly get to where you are watering in a more effective way without overwatering.


Active Member
When the container gets light. Next transplant pick up the container after the plant is in the medium and before you moisten it. Pick it up multiple times. Then water a proper volume. Pick it up. Multiple times. Then daily just lift the container. Don't bother sticking your finger in. You'll quickly get to where you are watering in a more effective way without overwatering.
Sounds good. Appreciate the tips. Re these fabric sacks, I’m going to put some pebbles underneath or something because they’re sagging down into the little ridges in the plastic trays, so maybe the water’s just sitting at the bottom.