Too much space?? Please help.


New Member
Greetings , it's been years since I've grown and recently got an itch to do so. I normally garden otherwise , so I have all the supplies I need , except a space to grow in !!

Ok , so I do have a basement , but all I have from a few years ago is a 250w hps.

My basement is like 42' x 17' and about 6.5' high. I'm thinking that a 250w is gonna be pretty inefficient in a space that large.

Do I need to build a box or hang something up? My husband isn't too in favor as it is so having him build something is kind of adding insult to injury.

If I situate the set up in the corner of the basement would that help at all? Please list my options so I can get to it. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
I grow in the basement. My basement already had a wall splitting it in half. I took one half and split that in half with a little lumber and very little effort. So veg room and flower room each have a quarter of the basement. It's a pretty big space and the lights in no way fill the whole room. I just hang the light at a proper height according to strength of the light (watts). Some may argue that I'm losing a little reflective light but the plants seem to do just fine. I also find it easier to keep the heat at bay with a more open space. But yes you will need some way of blocking out other light from the basement(lighting,windows,ect.)

Angel Eyes

Well-Known Member
hi, I dont know if you already considered this, but if you can't sweet talk your husband into building a couple grow areas, you can buy what you need ...
there are many growboxes, bigger, smaller, cheaper, expansive, and you dont need help to put them together, it's really easy

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
What's the security in that space? Any unexpected visits?

If you just want a small perpetual grow for personal use? You can do a perpetual micro grow. This is putting rooted clones straight to 12/12 in a SoG (Sea of Green).


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have a large area to work with and only a small light.
It may be a problem buying tents with a 6.5foot high ceiling. But there are lower profile tents available.
You could simply hang some panda sheet if you wanted (rather than build or buy)and then use your 250w in there. You could cover around 5 square foot, if you shell out for a 600w hps you can cover a 4'x4' well, lights are really cheap compared to what they used to cost.
Buy a fan and filter to clean the air and an oscillating fan to blow across the plants and your away.


Well-Known Member
Greetings , it's been years since I've grown and recently got an itch to do so. I normally garden otherwise , so I have all the supplies I need , except a space to grow in !!

Ok , so I do have a basement , but all I have from a few years ago is a 250w hps.

My basement is like 42' x 17' and about 6.5' high. I'm thinking that a 250w is gonna be pretty inefficient in a space that large.

Do I need to build a box or hang something up? My husband isn't too in favor as it is so having him build something is kind of adding insult to injury.

If I situate the set up in the corner of the basement would that help at all? Please list my options so I can get to it. Thank you.
Oh poor you. You have a whole basement to grow in
You're light is weak for any situation imo.
Your not buying light to fill an area. Your using light to grow a certain amount of space. So whether you are in a small apartment or a football stadium a 600 watt is going to effectively cover a 4x4 max.

So it's up to you . You can buy a tent. You can build a frame and hang black and white poly. Or mylar.
Or you can leave it wide open like that other dude said and have good air flow and heat abatement.


Well-Known Member
Build a room out of cheap 1x4x10 planks and some thing 1/4 inch boards or even drywall. Or you can build a tent out of PVC and panda film. Or you can just buy a tent!, best option probably if you can afford it.

Steve Man

Active Member
I had this problem, i hung up black tarp that i got from lowes and made 2 rooms out of it. I use mirrors and mylar on the buckets and all the light stays in, i cut a square out for my exhaust fan, worked for me


Well-Known Member
I've thought about getting a place with a nice basement to grow in. I picked up a 2' x 3' x 5' grow tent for under $70US which would probably work well with a 250w, and when you get the itch to go bigger it would work well for housing a mother plant.