too much stink? ha

ok well i have a little problem because of the smell from my plants i have to either get rid of them or get rid of the smell does anyone kno how i could do that from items found in a house if not does anyone kno wen the plants start producing thc cause i read that wen u top plants u can smoke wat u cut off cause there is thc in it


Well-Known Member
The only thing other then carbon filters is I read someone say that when they started feeding their plants molasses that a possible side effect was reduced plant smell. No guarentee's, and I have not tried this and have no personal experience, but that's what I read someone say and someone else agreed with them from experience...

Just minor info....

Good Luck!!


Active Member
Smell and people ratting you out are two of the main reasons people get busted. A carbon filter and inline fan of the correct size for the room is the only way to get rid of the smell entirely.

ONA gel is something you should research, and is better than air fresheners. People say it's not good for the grow room because the smell gets into the buds.


Active Member this and ok inline fan and can someone post a link to a website i can find carbon filters i can find the replacment filters just not the part to use the filters with
I used this company:

You need to total your square footage and pick the appropriate fan. Grow room Width x Depth x Height = Volume.

I believe you want to get anywhere from one to three times per minute air flow to be effective.