Too much to ask for?


Well-Known Member
If you care for your plants properly 1 oz is easy. You'll need to be sure you fertilize properly (if soil isn't already filled) but that you don't overdo it. And provided you don't have a bug infestation or anything else.

However counting your buds before they're cured is foolish. A lot can go wrong actually beyond what I said already.


Well-Known Member
I've only tried Nirvana's Hindu Kush. I saw a post somewhere from a Kush afficianado who said he'd tried several variants, some of them quite expensive, but he thought Nirvana's was the best. So I've never really looked for another Kush variant -- I'm very happy with what I have. It'd probably be the last of my four strains I'd give up. I'd even give up NYC Diesel before I gave up my Kush -- the Diesel is a bit more potent, but it takes two weeks longer to flower, and doesn't produce as much as the Hindu Kush does.