Too much, too fast: Nute blitz


Active Member

I need to flush but my soil is saturated. Flush anyways or wait a few days?


I think I overfed my plants. They are photosensitive, leaves by the lights are pale lime green, stems are purple, and pH swung from 5.9 going in to 6.9 going out. Soil is pretty soaked at the moment. How much of a rush should I be in to flush? Let them dry out a bit or flush ASAP? I have some in air pots and some in fabric.


Its day 30 of flower. I posted a few days ago about my light bleaching problem. I’m realizing now (initially thanks to tim1987’s tip) that my overfeeding was the catalyst for this problem. It wasn’t that the lights were too close, it was that the abundance of certain nutes caused the leaves to be photosensitive, causing the bleaching.

The feed that put me over the edge was only 750ppm, but that was a jump from my regular light feedings, which had the garden looking great. (I stupidly listened to a buddy that stopped by and told me to “really hit em” with nutes. I doubted my own methods and intuition since I’m inexperienced, but I should have known better)

Two days ago, five days after the heavy feed, I fed them again, but with a diluted solution. Mixed 4 gallons of my leftover heavy solution with 10 gallons of water. Added regular amounts of silica and kelp to the plain water, plus introduced Epsom and an additional weak nitrogen source also to the plain water, since I was seeing purple stems and yellowing lower on the plants. Ppm was about 590, and my “plain water” is dechlorinated tap with about 200 ppm to start. I’m regretting this now, I should have just flushed then. Too late now.

pH of that concoction was 5.9, but runoff tested at 6.9! I don’t think runoff test was accurate though. I had to rush my dog to the vet in the middle of watering, came back and frantically dumped the rest of the solution on them, sucked the saucers dry with my shop vac and finished right at lights out. The runoff I tested was what had drained by the next morning, and there is a lot of residue in my saucers. I’m growing in soil, just pro-mix with worm castings added.

I think I read something about calcium toxicity and how it can cause photosensitivity. I also have some brown crispy tips which is another symptom I believe? A few of my nutes have calcium in them and I also add earth juice oily cann (3% Ca, 1%Mg, humic) every time I feed.

I’m sure they need a flush but the soil is pretty saturated. I do not want to cause fungus problems at this stage in the game.

Any other ideas on wth is going on? Buds are still fattening, but looking at all those lime green leaves is seriously bumming me out, and I’m sure yield and quality are getting fucked by the day.

So how soon should I flush? Push it and try and do it as soon as I can, when the soil’s dried just a bit, or wait until they dried out to a “normal” moisture level?

Any suggestions on how I can help them out in the meantime? Anything else I can do, or not do about this? Tweak environmental conditions? Reduce light strength? Increase or decrease co2?

The pics I attached are the same ones from the last post. They mostly show the lime color in the leaves. Shit looks pretty much the same so they should help anyone who didn’t see that last thread.

Thanks for reading and thanks for any insight or suggestions you might have. Peace ✌️


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Also, I’d like some tips on flushing in general. Am I aiming for more runoff than usual? Do I soak them down more than once? They are in 10 gallon air and fabric pots.
Hey T.
Sorry about the news.
This isn't gonna be easy mate. I gotta say.
Its gonna take time. Probably touch and go.

If it were me, and i had this issue, i would -

Try and find if you have hot spots, or whether its consistant all the way through. You can use a ph stake, to pin point hot spots.
Id do the same with a ppm stake too. Gotta find where its hot in the media.
If the concentration is close to the top, id scrape it off.
Id keep just giving water. Ph'd if i had to. Gotta take this one slow though, as you stated rot's a problem.
The tricky thing here, is you cant tell whether its the calcium in your lime, oyster shell etc, starting to activate, and your big feed set it off more. Or whether its just the big feed.
When i flush i like to saturate it first, let it soak for 30min or so. Then i flush it again, so the weight of the water pushes residuals down, out the pot.
Its gonna be a tough week or two, and a few flushes.
Find out where your soil is hot first. Remember it could just be the top.

I hope this helps T
Sorry about the news.
Good luck mate.
Ok, great feedback, Tim.

I just grabbed one of those chem tests for ph, n, p & k. I’ll make up some slurry samples and try and get some info. I’ll try and go by the grow store and get some meters tomorrow.

I’m going to wait for the soil to dry some before I hit em with water. I do have a moisture meter which is helpful.

I also dialed down the light to 750. Figured they aren’t fully photosynthesizing all that light and I want to avoid more bleaching.

One more thing,


Thanks again dude. You’re a valuable fucking resource here.
Ok, great feedback, Tim.

I just grabbed one of those chem tests for ph, n, p & k. I’ll make up some slurry samples and try and get some info. I’ll try and go by the grow store and get some meters tomorrow.

I’m going to wait for the soil to dry some before I hit em with water. I do have a moisture meter which is helpful.

I also dialed down the light to 750. Figured they aren’t fully photosynthesizing all that light and I want to avoid more bleaching.

One more thing,


Thanks again dude. You’re a valuable fucking resource here.
No worries mate.
Keep us all updated.
I may need your help one day too.
Thats what, most of us, are all about here
Good luck T
Hey, wanted an opinion on a couple of other things.

I have a bottle of this advanced nutrients stuff called Flawless Finish. It’s supposed to be for the final flushing stage. Check out the label in the attached photos.

1. Should I flush with this stuff or just plain water? Their marketing says it makes for a better flush over plain water, for mid flower over feeding as well as final stage flush.

2. Do you agree with my decision to reduce my HPS from 1000w to 750w? I was going to kick it back up after the flush. Wait longer? No difference?


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I wouldn't worry.
I've used that before, as well. Its just pink diluted ebsom salts in a bottle. Check the label.
Adding magnesium, might make it worse. They just want water for now.
Flushing products arenit generally good for soil either way.

Best wishes T.
Keep us updated.
Btw, is advanced nutrients the most brilliant marketing scam or what?! That fucker big mike has about 9 full page ads in every issue of high times. Guess you can afford it when you sell 4 oz of diluted epsom for ten bucks a whack!
Btw, is advanced nutrients the most brilliant marketing scam or what?! That fucker big mike has about 9 full page ads in every issue of high times. Guess you can afford it when you sell 4 oz of diluted epsom for ten bucks a whack!
Yeah i know aye.
He's the best salesman on earth.
I tried their ph perfect line once. Most ph imperfect shit out there. They say, you have to use RO, and the whole range for it to work. Not just a+b.
When i found them saying that. I thought to myself, "geez if a nutrient company cant make their entire nutrients line, if used, buffer RO to the right ph, god help us all" :p:p
Ive still got it sitting on my shelf, turning into salt. I never use it. Been there for freeking ages.
They're damn, fine salesmen.
Quick update, just because.

Did the pH, n, p & k chem test. Those rapitest vials with the powders. pH was 7 or above. N was very low, P was very high, K was medium.

Watered very thoroughly with pH 6.1, no nutes no nuthin, runoff tested at 6.5

I’m planning to feed with 1/2 strength solution in 4 or 5 days. Earth Juice bloom, grow, silica, oily cann (their cal/mag), meta-k (potash), microblast, catalyst, molasses (ej hi-brix), and gen organics black diamond liquid humic. All at half or “weak” strength” of manufacturer recommended amounts for this phase. Although they are definitely nitrogen deficient, I don’t think trying to really up the N in day 35+ of bloom is what’s up. Just half strength of regular mfr recc amounts of the ej line.

Still keeping light at 750w. Thinking of putting it back to 1000w, either tomorrow, or when I do the next feed.

Except for the lime leaves in the middle closest to light, and the purple petioles, the plants look happy, buds are fattening, things are getting really stinky and sticky.

Comments, opinions, questions are welcome.
Great news T.
Things are looking up.
Maybe you could lighly feed soon. Up to you really.
Just dont over do it :bigjoint::bigjoint::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Im glad it didn't get any worse.
Sounds like they're getting quite delicious bongsmiliebongsmilie
Great effort dude.
Yeah, I’m pretty pleased. Would you just do another plain water next? That chem test definitely showed very very little N. How much nitrogen do they need at this stage? I should be really careful about the P. They have too much P for sure.
Yeah, I’m pretty pleased. Would you just do another plain water next? That chem test definitely showed very very little N. How much nitrogen do they need at this stage? I should be really careful about the P. They have too much P for sure.
Maybe worth giving a light feed of veg nutes, or something high in N, and low in PK, next watering. Maybe.
If you have an 8 week strain, id say its healthy by about week 5 to drop in N.
Id feed your plants sparingly though. Don't wanna do a 360 turn.
Maybe worth giving a light feed of veg nutes, or something high in N, and low in PK, next watering. Maybe.
If you have an 8 week strain, id say its healthy by about week 5 to drop in N.
Id feed your plants sparingly though. Don't wanna do a 360 turn.

Yeah I feel you. You’re right man. I should just give em a low dose of the ej grow. Skip all that other shit. I’m starting to think I have a bottled nutrient addiction! I like buyin em, I like usin em, I like mixin em. Damn, the companies got me hooked. Buying shit is the easiest part of growing, for sure! Ha!
I feel you man. We all wanna get the most out of our plants. Even just squeezing the tiniest little extra, can make all the difference.
But tip it over the edge, and it falls like humpty dumpty :bigjoint:
Imho, you can still get the "sticky icky" without em. Even more so in soil.
But for the people who use em with great results, and have their feeding schedule down, i say kudos.
Ive just never been able to justify, the extra $$ myself. So i dont use them.
Hey, can I get your take on this? I decided my next feed would ONLY include this stuff Nectar for the Gods Athena’s Aminas. Photo of label attached.

It’s (0.5 - 0 - 0). Label recommends 1 oz per gallon at every feed. Think I should give the full 1 oz per gallon or take it easy and do 0.5 oz per gallon?

The more I read up on this the more I’m certain I have a pretty good N deficiency. The chem test was a good confirmation of this. I attached a photo of that too. Thanks in advance.


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Am i reading right, that one oz, makes 1500ppm to the gallon? That it shouldn't exceed 1500ppm as well?
I reckon you'll need to take your mediums ppm into consideration.
1 oz per gallon seems like a lot to me.
Id be cautious.
I havn't used it before, though sorry T.
Im not gonna suggest how to use it.
Someone else might be able to help.
All good T.
I know you'd be a great help, if i was in trouble.
You've helped others in this forum. Also gave great advice.
The totally dry plant that guy had. My heart said it was a goner.
You said to check in with the recovery.
30 minutes later BAM :o
I was shocked :bigjoint:
We have to share here. We'll all improve that way.
You are a fine example of this.