too much water??

starting some super silver haze outdoor on a small island on a pond. After about a foot down maybe a lil more the soil meets water. Is this bad that the plant will have water 24/7. is there any other plant i should also using advanced nutrients...thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
1 foot is a pretty high water table. Maybe you should think about elevated beds. Extreme elevated beds, jack those suckers up two feet, or more!

An old friend used to make elevated beds using "heavy steel netting", fixed into 3 ft. "hoops". Just lay them on the ground and line the "inside" walls with something and fill it up like a planter with good soil.


Well-Known Member
what would happen if adding two more feet wasnt enough?
Then try adding 4 more feet! I have talked to people who have told me that many plants will grow fine with a high water table - they just spread thier roots out wide, instead of deep! I'm just passing on something that I've heard here, this is not from personal experience. Although I have seen elevated beds and they do work quite well.