Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Just a place to drop by and do your thang. Hit the vape, smoke a joint, have some coffee, sit a spell and converse. Play a tune you are listening to or latest band you think is groovy. Tell me about your day/evening/night. I find as I've grown ancient that your friends sort of fade away/die off and I find myself just wishing for conversation. Mundane as that sounds.

Pull up a chair, take a hit. Relax at the 2RS Coffee Shop.

All I ask is no drama, no juvenile are you circumcised/when you did you lose your virginity/high school dumb shit. I am pretty no nonsense but very friendly when you get to know me. I don't bite.... HARD anyway... :)

Annie can vouch for me that thus far I am a quite harmless music loving old hippie :)

I will start off. Today sucks. Been arguing with my husband. I've been married a little over a year and fucking hate it. The end.



I am playing this video again just cause I want to stress the point that every word she sings here, is saying exactly what is in my heart today.

Now for more caramel ice.... and Susan on repeat dammit. I have a mid term tomorrow and can't study for shit. Just fucking off at this point.


well hello,I don't believe we've met.I gotta say you got my interest with hating marriage and being an old hippie.Wanna bang?
LOL Slowbus I just woke up too early and this made me laugh. Thanks.

Gonna try to sleep a little longer before I have to be up. Hope you all have a great day
I decided to have a teeny little cocktail. I go inside off the porch to the fridge and I keep hearing this crispy little sound. I look all around me wondering where its coming from. I stroll to the fridge to get a wee cocktail. Just a harmless smirnoff pineapple ice or two to take the edge off the day. I keep hearing the sound. It only makes a sound when I move. I look down and discover a rolling paper stuck to my foot.

I took that as a sign to roll another caramel ice joint off this giganto bud. I am slowly sliding into shitfacedom. I like it here. yes... yes I do.

I certainly agree the best way to get unembarrassed is to attempt to do something worse. Sort of putting one's behavior into perspective. I was trying to decide what to do today because I was told, in no uncertain terms, there will be no exercising.

So I've been sort of perusing RIU and it's relatively dead on a Monday AM. So I'm thinking I may have to roll joints. I HATE rolling, really I do. So I put it off until I HAVE to. Anyway yeah that's what I'm going to do for awhile.

Or maybe I'll go look at bongs. Yeah! That's it bongs.... Well there I feel much better now. For a moment I thought I was going to be productive LOL!
Morning friends, I am off to get ready for classes. All I can say is I am glad the mid term is a practice test and doesn't count!! Real test is Friday and if I fail it well I just have to take it again til I pass it. Its hard but I will somehow get thru it.

Have a beautiful day everyone!! Smoke one for me - I am off to cram more words and numbers into my blonde head!!

Just thought id stop in here and say hi :grin:bongsmilie pass along some heady vibes to you fine folks :leaf:!!! Good afternoon/early evening everyone.

thanks for the pass bud ;) I'll take a bigger hit next time around for it..

I'm gonna like this thread :bigjoint:

@ hempy.. dude, sorry you got busted for pot problems.. that's always some bullshit that pisses me right the fuck off "Penalties against drug use should not be more damaging to an individual than the use of the drug itself.

@ 2rolling.. lol.. sorry for all the likes and rep.. get used to it.. your coffee shop is pretty cool
Good idea 2rollingstoned..I'm ready! . Gotta drink decaf though until I'm fully medicated. I just can not get a decent buzz if I drink coffee before cannabis. :leaf:
Good idea 2rollingstoned..I'm ready! . Gotta drink decaf though until I'm fully medicated. I just can not get a decent buzz if I drink coffee before cannabis. :leaf:

Really? Hmmmmm now I need to spark up and test this hypothesis :) but I drank my coffee really fast because I was behind the power curve and I need to get my holy shit that caffeine has me buzzing! .... errrrrr never mind.....

here, lemme just put a quarter in the jukebox while I get another cup:peace:
Ok today was a shit storm of math formulas. I mistakenly thought that we would be taught these the rest of the week but to my shock and horror today is the only day. I am just going to confess I am complete math idiot. Not just a half math idiot... a COMPLETE math idiot. I can barely do basic math and have to have a calculator to do that. I cannot add any figures in my head at all. I failed 9 years of math in school before I no longer had to take it. They passed me on every year of school because I did so well in other subjects. I am taking a two week real estate class. I cannot cope with all these incredibly difficult tricky math problems. The final I take on Friday is going to have 14 math problems. I am going into a final exam knowing I may not be able to work one of them. I cannot seem to remember the math formulas. There are quite a few and I am the type of person I cannot work just one math problem, be shown on the board how it was worked then move on to another math problem with a different formula. I need to do about 15 of the math problems for the first example before I can understand it and move on to problem 2 to another formula to remember if that makes sense. I finally just stopped attempting to do the math problems on the quiz and just sat waiting for them to be explained and still couldnt work one right now if my life depended on it. I found that even if I understood how to work the first math problem, that I would forget how to by the time I reached test problem number 5 because I just had to learn 4 other formulas after that. I end up not comprehending any of it. I cannot cram all these ways to do math in my brain in a day. Tomorrow we move onto real estate law and I can't begin to do the math. Any of it. I feel like a failure and feeling stupid is about the worst thing I can feel. It works on my brain and I just sit around beating myself up. I have cried driving home from school two days already because the reality is I can't do this stuff. I cannot do this in a few days and get the gist of it when I am riding on the math slow bus. I feel like shit. I hate to fail anything, and I am going to continue to go to class the rest of the week but if I fail my final on Friday I really think I need to figure out something else to do.

I have too much stress and I am not dealing well with it.

:::slinks off the corner with my snot rag in hand and a joint in the other:::::

oh and here are a few problems for examples to show you, this isn't just trying to add some numbers... its a shit storm of stuff that I just start to zone out after reading half of it. I have the answers if anyone cares to try them. I am just too old to learn apparently.

Thanks for reading. I am just having a really bad math day. Time for a joint. Less crying more toking.

here's a few example problems and I have 50 of these to work tonite.

1. A rectangular tract of vacant land measures 363 feet by 1200 feet and is going to be developed into a subdivision. Assume 20% of the land must be reserved for streets. How many half acre lots can be developed in this subdivision?

2.Property Manager Q is to collect $12,000 in rent for the month of August from an apartment building being managed by her company. The apartment building's August operating expenses are $6,995 and one tenant did not pay rent of $825. How much commission will the property manager earn if she is charging the apartment owner an 8% management fee?

3. A tenant in a small shopping center pays rent of $5,000 per month plus 10% of all gross sales above $70,000 in any month. This month, the tenant paid $7200 in rent. Using this information calculate the tenants gross monthly sales?

I'm the same way, sometimes it seems the desire is greater then the ability and then with age.....

But you have the answer, too much stress! Relax, take a deep breath, (easy for me to say, I just medicated) and just be.

Can you take the course again? being better prepared.

Stress is a killer and will make you ugly. (thats my excuse):bigjoint:
I've just taken a break from everything for a bit. I am cramming too much stuff into my head and its just starting to go thru one ear and out the other and nothing is sticking. I can repeat the test several times without having to take the class over so I may just have to take a week and work at it and try again if I fail. I can't do anything in this state of mind so I am just having a cocktail and several joints and approach it again in a while.

I hate failing things and not understanding things. I really beat the shit out of myself over it.

I've just taken a break from everything for a bit. I am cramming too much stuff into my head and its just starting to go thru one ear and out the other and nothing is sticking. I can repeat the test several times without having to take the class over so I may just have to take a week and work at it and try again if I fail. I can't do anything in this state of mind so I am just having a cocktail and several joints and approach it again in a while.

I hate failing things and not understanding things. I really beat the shit out of myself over it.

Stop! Calm down and smoke something! ;) Remember pony rides reduce anxiety. :) take some. Now what the fuck does it matter what their time schedule is. Screw em. You will take whatever time it takes. You will learn the formulas. They are actually easy. Math is a MALE skill! Males are almost all linear. So is the simpler math stuff. So you are just missing a couple foundational pieces. We'll take some time, find the missing links and get you on the road. You can do this if you just CTFD! LOL
I love you Annie. I am so blessed you are my friend. Thank you for always being there. :bigjoint:

Me too! Look I have a plan b. I figure I'm getting a sack and a bunch of cats and I'm going to become the town's crazy cat lady ;) Walk around throwing cats at ... :) See you just need your golden parachute :)
Stop! Calm down and smoke something! ;) Remember pony rides reduce anxiety. :) take some. Now what the fuck does it matter what their time schedule is. Screw em. You will take whatever time it takes. You will learn the formulas. They are actually easy. Math is a MALE skill! Males are almost all linear. So is the simpler math stuff. So you are just missing a couple foundational pieces. We'll take some time, find the missing links and get you on the road. You can do this if you just CTFD! LOL
I'm to here to say that I take of....look boobies, umm sorry I got distracted by Occam's...look boobies, what were you talking about again?
Damn, so high I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Mojo...heard some good tunes as I walked past and thought I'd stop in.
hi toostoned im sunni im a global admin of the site! in real life im a single 22 year old female whos a hairstylist ,
^_^ heres a song i really love [video=youtube;knU9gRUWCno] 44[/video]
Ive always pictured you to be like Lara Croft tombraider in real life sunni Lara_Croft.png adventuring around on your ebike kickin some serious ass.