Loverboy, lol...haven't heard that in a long time.
Had Judas Priest come up on my playlist the other day. Aah, memories of a misspent youth being young and dumb

Never thought I would get so....old.
My first car was a 77 Aspen with a slant 6 and it WAS that Trans Am more than once...
Every time I see your avatar I envy that chicks boobs lol
Lol, the only reason us men don't have 'em is because we'd never get anything done
I'll check out Buddy's autobio - sounds like something right up my alley.
Yeah, I grew my avocado from a pit - stuck some toothpicks in it and suspended it in a glass of water till it rooted but it took a looong time. I've got two more on the go now (~6 weeks?) and one has a taproot that's just starting to poke out. I tried the pineapple thing but they just rotted.
I used the top and maybe 1/2" or so of the fruit body - do you need to leave more of the core attached ?
It's something I'm definitely going to try again, but not until I get more lights...which means after I move to a bigger place.
Thanks for posting the Cold Stares earlier - I was listening to them (Cold Wet Night...) and Monophonics while you were in Vegas.
Here's another forgotten oldie from the vault: Lucille Bogan...1935...NSFW, lol.