Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Hello friends, I hope this finds you all doing well, especially you James!

I've been so busy today and then worked on the family tree a little more. Discovered one distant grandfather fought in the war of 1812 and the Battle of New Orleans commanded by Andrew Jackson :)

Its all so interesting I lose hours looking at all this stuff, just love reading all about my family members! I have no clue about most of them and met very few of them so this gives me some answers I never had before.

Having a nice relaxing toke or two and going back to more historical digging and listening to it rain.

[video=youtube;hJDmWKwRGUQ][/video] Panic with Warren Haynes on the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama one of the best shows I have ever seen.
Good morning patrons! Dog days are here. It's been hot and muggy all week. I'm gonna stop in here for a minute and drink a cup before I go outside and cut the grass. Have a good Tuesday!:peace:
I'm taking a rest day, I still have my cup full of sumatran and bowl of rhino....drying out a lower branch of LA Chocolat right now should be ready to smoke this matter what I grow I'm always excited about a different smell, taste, high.....It's cool and cloudy but dry here in my part of the PacNW.....not even doing yard work or house chores, hell with hiking and kayaking I'm just gonna spend the day letting my batteries recharge.

Can't use this vid in the 70's thread, so here goes...tripped me out

Happy day everyone!

Hey morning party people! James I am glad to read you are taking it easy, get massively stoned and be lazy for the day! I too get excited with new harvests, new smells and flavors.

I can't seem to stop my new genealogy addiction!! I have discovered I am descended from some pretty damned impressive Irish/English/Scottish folk! I am now at my 13th great grandfather born 1537 in London England! Still have lots more to look at even earlier than this date so I am getting some great history lessons.

My family name is very hard to trace back past what I think to be my great great grandparents. I am shocked to have found them. My paternal great grandfather and his brother ran away from home at a young age because they didn't get along with their father. There was never any info shared about them other than his father's name was John and the brother that left home with him was named Harvey. I managed to find those names and discovered my great great grandmother was placed in an orphanage and didn't know one bit of her family history. This information was listed in a census and it shows they lived in the next town 20 mins from me. I can't seem to get past these folks and its very frustrating so I moved on to my paternal great grandmother's family who are very interesting with an extremely long history that is taking me back far more years than I expected. I am about to get back to it because there are still many more branches dating back further than I ever dreamed I could possibly go!

I am a history buff in addition to loving to research things so all of this reading and researching historical documentation is right down my alley.

Coffee today is freshly ground starbucks vanilla beans, smoking my personal stock named BB, and watching it sprinkle rain on the guys putting up our new dog fence. This is one of the best things we've gotten done at our new place so my 3 fur children can run wild. Should be completed this afternoon and the fun begins with the younger two running wide open chasing each other. The white/black rat terrier is 13 and our canine senior citizen. The black and tan mini pin in front is 3.5 years old and the black and tan rat terrier/weenie dog mix in the back is 6 years old and the white rat terrier is his mother. I love them like family but I will be glad for them to get back out in the yard!!!

This is the 3 dogg nite love shack security team :lol:


Dinner this afternoon will be whole roasted chicken with yukon gold baked potatoes and spinach, grapes, toasted pecans, dried cranberries, feta cheese & roma tomato salad with raspberry vinaigrette.

jam of the day is definitely Rival Sons that I am going to see very very soon!!

get funky wit it :P [video=youtube;HT4RainY-lY][/video]

oh such a good choice dear Hempy!!! Love love love this tune and am now breaking out of my hash haze busting a move. ::::shaking booty:::::

and I still can't give ya more rep yet but dammit here it is ...

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to hempyninja309 again.

Hey morning party people! James I am glad to read you are taking it easy, get massively stoned and be lazy for the day! I too get excited with new harvests, new smells and flavors.

I can't seem to stop my new genealogy addiction!! I have discovered I am descended from some pretty damned impressive Irish/English/Scottish folk! I am now at my 13th great grandfather born 1537 in London England! Still have lots more to look at even earlier than this date so I am getting some great history lessons.

My family name is very hard to trace back past what I think to be my great great grandparents. I am shocked to have found them. My paternal great grandfather and his brother ran away from home at a young age because they didn't get along with their father. There was never any info shared about them other than his father's name was John and the brother that left home with him was named Harvey. I managed to find those names and discovered my great great grandmother was placed in an orphanage and didn't know one bit of her family history. This information was listed in a census and it shows they lived in the next town 20 mins from me. I can't seem to get past these folks and its very frustrating so I moved on to my paternal great grandmother's family who are very interesting with an extremely long history that is taking me back far more years than I expected. I am about to get back to it because there are still many more branches dating back further than I ever dreamed I could possibly go!

I am a history buff in addition to loving to research things so all of this reading and researching historical documentation is right down my alley.

Coffee today is freshly ground starbucks vanilla beans, smoking my personal stock named BB, and watching it sprinkle rain on the guys putting up our new dog fence. This is one of the best things we've gotten done at our new place so my 3 fur children can run wild. Should be completed this afternoon and the fun begins with the younger two running wide open chasing each other. The white/black rat terrier is 13 and our canine senior citizen. The black and tan mini pin in front is 3.5 years old and the black and tan rat terrier/weenie dog mix in the back is 6 years old and the white rat terrier is his mother. I love them like family but I will be glad for them to get back out in the yard!!!

This is the 3 dogg nite love shack security team :lol:

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Dinner this afternoon will be whole roasted chicken with yukon gold baked potatoes and spinach, grapes, toasted pecans, dried cranberries, feta cheese & roma tomato salad with raspberry vinaigrette.

jam of the day is definitely Rival Sons that I am going to see very very soon!!


No fair, had to spend my morning a mountain bike.:weed:

Getting too old for this shit.:peace:
So dang muddy out back but the new fence kicks much ass. They did an time efficient, great job for a reasonable price and said yes mam a whole bunch. I like boys with manners. :hump:

Gonna have to let the mud dry up before the fur hounds from hell can be set loose but this is gonna be GREAT!

Love me some Glenn Hughes, he still kills it with his voice and bass playing....

No fair, had to spend my morning a mountain bike.:weed:

Getting too old for this shit.:peace:

I envy the fact you ride a mountain bike. Those tiny seats kill my enormous fat ass. Its like riding on a got dayum thorn! If I could attach a friggin love seat onto the bike and ride in comfort I'd wear the bitch out biking around.

Must exercise more, and I keep procrastinating about it. Son has began walking a loop near our house and I just have to join him next time! Getting fat and middle age ain't no joke.

Just read the news old country outlaw Tompall Glaser has passed away at the age of 79. He was really popular during my youth. RIP TG you were a good 'Un

Yeah but I need two of those seats one for ass cheek dontchaknow? hahaha

Hempy you make me laugh dude - trust me you don't want photos of my big old ass but I am a very good dancer still to be an old timer. I just don't wiggle quite as well as once did, or rather more stuff jiggles now than is attractive hahaaaaaa

Its weighing on my mind I am turning 50 next year I guess... I used to be a hottie now I'm a nottie :sad: lol

I am learning what mid life crisis means. It's not fun.

Hempy..... I am carrying on with the funkalicious grooves with a little bit of Prince :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

Thank goodness there are still good people in this world. So blessed there is someone who stepped up to help out when my son was having car trouble. My son has recently gotten a great job with a decent company with real medical benefits, and hes doing something he enjoys. He has some pretty serious visual problems and has to drive with some magnification devices that he sights in like a rifle scope. He also did something really stupid and got in trouble back in the spring for the first time. It scared the shit out of him and he literally grew up and became a man this summer at 27.

His old car is on its last leg but for now til he pays some things off he does not have the money to invest in a newer ride. Two days in a row now he came out of work and it won't start.
He not only scored a great job he found a mentor at work that is really going above and beyond the call of duty to help out. Hes already been trying to help him with it yesterday when it was giving him problems and then got it going. Today the same thing happ
ened again and once it was started he told him to take it to his dads car repair shop and wouldn't charge him anything to take a look. His work mentor's dad changed out some plugs, wires and fixed a valve cover gasket leak. He didn't charge him anything, told him to bring it back tomorrow to check some other issues he is having and would work with him on the price.

I told my son we will be sending this man some money for his kindness. My son is in week 3 of training for his job so hes not drawn a check yet and very short on money. He needed help so badly and people stepped up to help. Kindness is truly a virtue. Good karma always comes back around when you do good for others I firmly believe that....

But seriously how many garages help you with your car and don't charge you anything and tell you to come back tomorrow and let them check on it? I am amazed.Thank goddess for all blessings great and small.

We are now going to take our business to this man's garage for oil changes and what not. One hand washes the other and I will be glad to give my business to someone so kind and generous to help out a young man that needed some help.

Just read the news old country outlaw Tompall Glaser has passed away at the age of 79. He was really popular during my youth. RIP TG you were a good 'Un

Glad you posted this,i came in today to drop a qtr on some Waymore.....RIP Tom Paul