Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Happy Monday my friends! I've been quite busy enjoying life so I haven't dropped by in a bit!

While I was away I did the following: Went to see the Rolling Stones, visited a 3 day blues festival especially to see Doyle Bramhall II, went to see Buddy Guy, and vacationed in Negril, Jamaica for the second time.

Smoked some bomb ass weed in Jamaica but the star of the show was the hash! It was great! We toured an old Rasta's ganja field. Honestly I've grown much nicer stuff myself but this was on a rocky old hill side with poor soil and he used all organic fertilizers like bat guano, etc. So I had to have mad respect for this old guy growing these tall purple bushes and funky skunk in some rough conditions. It is very dry this time of year and he had irrigation running from a creek to water everything. Twas a nice trip and very relaxing!

Big thanks to you guys who keep the thread going when I am away....much love to you friends!!!

Waking and a baking with some tasty Kandy Kush and fresh ground pikes place coffee and hanging out for a bit checking out what I missed....

Super freaking hot outside here today with heat index of 107 I do my outside gardening and watering early in the am!

Here's a little of my cajun crush Tab Benoit to get up and shake your ass to this fine early Monday morning!!

Peace and love yall! xoxo


Buddy is at his very best, this man is nearly 80 years old and he still rocks my face off! This was my 4th time to see him and I love him so much!

The Stones blew me away. Seriously incredibly perfect sound, vocals, everything was AMAZING!

Dropping by to say hi and kick out a few jams here at the Coffeeshop. Missed ya'll! I stay pretty busy all summer but when it turns cold out I will be here more often!

Big hugs to you @roseypeach for thinking of me!

Albert Cummings new album is fabulous

Going to see the Winery Dogs soon....

Just went to see JD Simo and his band SIMO is one incredible power trio!!! Blown away at the talent and intensity! He looks so much like Jim Morrison its almost a distraction!
