Took Labcorp Urinalysis For Pre-employment


Well-Known Member
So im just going to let you guys know if i pass or fail. After hours and countless reading of threads, i'm stressing out if i passed this pre-employment urinalysis at Labcorp:

1. Last time i smoked was around Jan 20th, give or take a day. Before that i was smoking sporadically, an average of an 1/8 every 3 weeks or so, of mids and schwag. I took my urinalysis Feb 19th, and the chain of custody form said that it was going to an actual lab via Labcorp Courier.

2. Im 32, 6ft, and about 190lbs.

2. To detox i didnt do anything special, but they day of the test, i drank plenty water, and used my 4th void of the day..

Its been exactly one week today, and i get an email from my potential boss saying "Hey we havent got your drug results back yet, do you have a copy of the receipt with a specimen number or something". I had the copy Labcorp gave me. So of course that spooked me, thinking that maybe the hold up is because they are doing the positive conformation test. Would love some resaasurance, but not necessary. I will post results either way.
I don't see any reason why you wouldn't pass, unless that 190 pounds is very soft and you have an uber slow metabolism. I wish you the best of luck....J
The day after i sent them the receipt, i got no call from the employer, and its going on 3pm pacific time. Good sign to me, as the MRO would have called me today to tell me i failed today im thinking. Also, forgot to mention, on February 12th (a week before the actual Labcorp test), i took one of those First Check drug tests, and had a faint line with the first void of the day. I also sent that in to the complimentary lab test they offer, and those results came back negative.

Im scheduled to start March 10th. But no calls from the employer yet.
The day after i sent them the receipt, i got no call from the employer, and its going on 3pm pacific time. Good sign to me, as the MRO would have called me today to tell me i failed today im thinking. Also, forgot to mention, on February 12th (a week before the actual Labcorp test), i took one of those First Check drug tests, and had a faint line with the first void of the day. I also sent that in to the complimentary lab test they offer, and those results came back negative.

Im scheduled to start March 10th. But no calls from the employer yet.

You're good for sure... smoke up and congrats
My only concern would be that you've got the dreaded QNS which is an ancient Greek term meaning "shit I dropped the sample." Because you should have passed.
My only concern would be that you've got the dreaded QNS which is an ancient Greek term meaning "shit I dropped the sample." Because you should have passed.

Yeah, the QNS. I sent a spec of like 2 drops in a blue tube once that I had to cut down on a 2 y/o to get. She was 90% full thickness. The lab tried that on me. I showed up in the lab in full shriek. Turned out they did have enough :)

Anyway whatever you do do NOT smoke yet. WAIT! If they dropped your sample or mixed it up or "lost" it and have to repeat you'll be sure to be clear. So right now WAIT! Oh and be careful smoking until you know the testing culture. For example my hub's job tests for cause (wreck a car etc...).
I am sweating my drug test I took yesterday. I haven't smoke for 39 days and did a detox regimen knowing I was going to be getting a job soon. Before I quit I smoked about 5 grams of Girl Scout Cookies over a period of 3 weeks, some with my girlfriend. I hope I pass mine or I will be stressed the fuck out.

My test is getting the ms/cg treatment. Wish me luck.

The worst thing is that I can't even smoke weed because if they get a diluted specimen then I need to provide another sample.

I also took a first check drug test the void before my test and it came back negative.
I am sweating my drug test I took yesterday. I haven't smoke for 39 days and did a detox regimen knowing I was going to be getting a job soon. Before I quit I smoked about 5 grams of Girl Scout Cookies over a period of 3 weeks, some with my girlfriend. I hope I pass mine or I will be stressed the fuck out.

My test is getting the ms/cg treatment. Wish me luck.

The worst thing is that I can't even smoke weed because if they get a diluted specimen then I need to provide another sample.

39 days, I wouldn't sweat it too much after that long. Especially since you did a detox reg. too...J
The day after i sent them the receipt, i got no call from the employer, and its going on 3pm pacific time. Good sign to me, as the MRO would have called me today to tell me i failed today im thinking. Also, forgot to mention, on February 12th (a week before the actual Labcorp test), i took one of those First Check drug tests, and had a faint line with the first void of the day. I also sent that in to the complimentary lab test they offer, and those results came back negative.

Im scheduled to start March 10th. But no calls from the employer yet.

any word yet?