Well-Known Member
i have no problem with this thread , if i did i wouldn't be posting here
Folks were calling you stupid for saying it does not matter if you have grown the strain or not
what i do not understand about your post is you start off by saying since "when did "Stoners & Pot Heads" become so uptight?,"
then you end your post by making threats to leave the forum because people do not share your opinion or because other folks called you stupid ?
that seems like pretty uptight behavior to me
if i offended you by referring to you as a newbie and you consider yourself not i apologize
if anything i thought i was defending this thread not hating on it
No I did not take your post as an insult. I guess I was kinda tagging your post as I was adding onto your reasoning for my thread. To some I would be a noob, I only grow outside and only a few plants...
I am not uptight... I just delt with a lot of drama the last few years and I try to avoid it now. When people start bickering and fighting, I just remove myself from the drama. It bothers me when people have to tear others down.... Why not share knowledge and lift them up!!