Top 10 RIU female hotties! (part 1)

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I'll take part in the objectification. Anyone I would vote for is already on this list. Let's vote!

P.s. if I know this site as well as think I do, Sunni will win.
why are you so negative towards me ive done nothing to you.
and i dont think ill win there are plenty of other women who are gorgeous on here
Oh Bucky, how could you miss out RIU's fittest foxy lady, Konagirl???? No. 13?? Unlucky.

Oh yeah!!! Unlucky! That dudes avatar is hot! I got the most likes on a comment I posted about unlucky that I've seen on this site. I think it's at like 60+ likes. Haven't seen a comment get that many likes here before. That dude trolled hard as fuck.
why are you so negative towards me ive done nothing to you.
and i dont think ill win there are plenty of other women who are gorgeous on here have I been negative? I said I think you will win. You keep saying im being negative to you, or dont like you, yet you can't show me one time I've been a dick to you. I've stood up for you as a mod in the past even. Where does this come from? I agree there's lots of pretty ladies around here, the competition wil be stiff..ahem, I mean strong.

1. Miss Rabbit (3)
2. Hippiechick (1)
3. Urca (2)
4. Granny Weed (3)
5. Hereshegrows (6)
6. Lahadaextranjera (4)
7. StephanieAK (2)
8. April (4)
9. Bygonera (2)
10. Rainbowbrite (2)
11. Dankdalia (3)
12. Katatawnic (1)
13. Unlucky (3)
14. Konagirl (2)
15. Chartreuse Spruce (2)

bringing this onto page two to make it easier for me to update.
Dude, don't forget missrabbit.. have you seen her? Gawd damn she smoking

Sunni is smoking as well

Nope I haven't

as far as sunni well that goes without saying. I tell her every time she posts a pic.

Like I do every other good looking female inhabitant here on lovely planet RIU.:weed:

Weed and Women. It's really all men want.
Buck this has to be by far the best poll ever on Riu I applaud your hard work here.

  • You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

I guess after a hard night of partying and unlimited tequila shots to the dome, urca be looking fine as hell too. Add her to my list bucky
I guess after a hard night of partying and unlimited tequila shots to the dome, urca be looking fine as hell too. Add her to my list bucky

worst. compliment. ever.

i almost forgot chatreuse spruce. i'm hoping schuylaar will post some pics of the goods too.
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