This may seem like a long post but at the end you get to bone the princess.
HT is more credible than seedfinder....? Quite ridiculous really considering their purpose and goals alone already. The latter will also change it upon request (though not in this case for for them too obvious reasons), the former is well... It's hightimes, where Nevil placed the first seed bank ad 31 years ago lol and you got the balls to pretend that is a credible source?
Wait wait... You linked to an article written by Danko about the origin of haze...
Besides the main players you couldn't have picked a more biased source if you tried.
Need I say more? And point out who his buddy is? Believing danny danko on this matter is like asking a priest about the origin of planet earth.
There is really zero debate over who introduced o haze to NL, not by Danko, not by Neville, not by Sam. Never has been, never will be. Trying to prove your false claim wrong by cherry picking articles - that don't even support your claim - won't change history. It's not
that long ago for some...
Neville nor anyone slightly in the know will claim it was Neville who introduced haze to NL, it's a wellknown fact that was Sam. You are picking sides without even knowing the argument. As Danko also clearly states, it was Sam who brought haze to NL in 1984.
That "1980s" when Neville supposedly went to NY is not an exact year for a reason. What neville did claim many years later is that he went to NY and got more original Original haze from some grower, and that he isn't using the haze Sam brought over. Ever wondered why Original Haze is called Original Haze (30+ years ago already).
If you take a look at the old catalogues it's very easy to see who had the o haze, and who got it from who, and when Neville started releasing O haze hybrids (a few years later). Again, really no debate there.
I've been hearing and reading stories and articles, and discussions of the people involved, about the origin of haze for many years. As I've said before, they all hide parts (well, except wernard bruining from positronics perhaps), and I wasn't there either, but an effective bullshit detector combined with a good memory shows discrepancies mostly in claims from those pretending to have more original originals. It's very hard to keep a lie consistent for years, decades even.
Sam posted on icmag on 25th February 2008:
“It is absurd that Neville said he got 1969 O Haze seeds from the Haze Bros.
#1 Neville first traveled to USA in 86 or 87 at the earliest, the main Haze Brother, R was gone, retired in Mexico by 82 he did not come back for 10 years. He was the one that created O Haze. The second Haze Brother J quit growing O Haze about 1980 and only grew Skunk #1 after that, until he became a reborn christian, then he quit growing, and anyway recently he told me he never met Neville and he certainly did not sell any Haze seeds to him or anyone else ever. [This is why its 1980s in Danko's article]
#2 The Haze Bros had a falling out in the late 70's and stopped talking to one another, for certain they did not sell seeds as the Haze Bros to anyone, it is ridiculous as well as impossible.
Lets be honest Neville got the seeds from me, but he had promised me that he would not make pure Haze and sell them as such, I told him it was fine to make Haze hybrids with other varieties that were not mine.
He broke his word and started selling Haze pure and hybrids with my varieties, and I stopped working with him.
Maybe he lied to avoid the problems that accompany breaking your word? I can not say, but I know Neville did not meet the Haze Bros and did not get any O Haze seeds from them. Both the Haze Bros were close friends of mine and both were close neighbors for years, J lived a few hundred meters from my house until he departed to Mexico.”
Pretty much all the alternative stories about the origin of haze are written by haters, and Sam has a few of those, and not just as a person, but pretending people have originals that don't come from Sam became a marketing tool by itself. That later was taken furher to Sensi vs positronics and others, now MNS for example. Still going on today.
Let me tell put that story in a historical context. Already in 1972 Wernard Bruining opened the first coffeeshop, Mellow Yellow.
He once said in an interview (old dutch radio recording still online) they basically just got together to get high and figured they could sell thea and coffee to make some money while getting high. Hence the term coffeeshop. The shop sold coffee, they sold the stuff from a fannybag. The import hash was great, the import bud was pretty bad. The poor climate didn't make it easy to grow sativas, and the afghanis and indicas were often better in hash form. No indoor growing back then, till Wernard opened the first growshop, Positronics and much later introduced hps growing in homes.
Early 1984/85 it was Wernard and Old Ed ( from Oregon, the first American to bring over seeds, highly respected for his contribution, while most here probably never heard about him...) and a few others who formed the Green Team and invited Sam the Skunkman over to NL as a grow consultant, together with Ed Rosenthal. They sent them the tickets to come over (already selling hundreds of kilos per year). Wernard said he went with Sam because Sam was boosting about his great Skunk. Ed Rosenthal for his grow bible.
See pics pre and after introduction of skunk here: Ed geschiedenis.html
Skunk still does now what it did then, increase the calyx to leaf ratio dramatically. If you walk through Amsterdam today you will smell haze, back then it was skunk, living up to its name.
The claims against Sam (about ratting out people to the dea) from some bloggers for example scream butthurt. I don't know about that, but what I do know is that his arrival changed a lot. I also know he doesn't like Nothern Light, which did come from Neville. According to Sam Neville practically begged Sam for a haze, which he got on the condition he wouldn't cross it with skunk. Which he did. Sam now claims he gave his crappiest haze clone to Neville... Funny but doubt it.
Wernard stopped with positronics because of the scene becoming more about growing money than plants. Old Ed went back home. Some notorious amsterdam gangsters got heavily involved, laundering money supposedly. After a few years there were several seed banks with, if anything, Ben Dronkers being the best businessman and becoming the most succesful. He bought Neville's bank, and later Flying Dutchmen (started by Eddie who had Cultivator's Choice seeds together with Sam before that, and to who Sam sold his O Haze stock, according to Sam...). Sure Nevil deserves credit too, but it is Sensi seeds and its green rush success that others have been trying to replicate since, some with more success than others, but rarely involves different genetics.
Several of the well known folks worked at sensi at some point, including Neville, where he for example created NL#5/Haze, the basis of Shantibaba's SSH.
You know where Neville worked too? GHS. He left sensi, joined ghs (Arjan and Shanti), later Shanti went to work with Mr Nice (Howard Marks) and started MNS. After some jail time and losing his plants during a raid (according to some...) he joined MNS as a breeding consultant and they have been offering more original classics since. They have good stuff and possibly are better breeders than sensi, but it is from the same old stock Sam brought over.
They are sensi wannabees. As should be obvious by now, the claim to have more original originals has been going on for a while and involves a millions dollars business. Neville is more a mascotte than a breeder. It's also well known neville had only three haze plants, kind of silly to think that's the best in the o haze pool.
The most recent example of the value of more original originals is Old Timer's Haze, a more original original haze from the uk available at Ace. Could be great for all I know, will see that later this year.
Some old catalogues I referred to earlier:
According to the sssc catalogue in the thread I linked to above NL#1 did not have that "nasty and acrid taste like some afghans".
While all interesting imo, the green one (below) is a good example. From CC, which was Sam and later Eddie, the latter started Flying Dutchmen (has the original original haze lol), who later sold to Sensi.

These and their offspring made their way into a ton of crosses. No northern light on this list, supposedly came here through nevil, from some Indian on an island. Was afghan, depending on the number backcrossed to afghan and nothing but a frosty afghan...
Notice the date, notice number 10.