Top 5 Outdoor Strains??


Well-Known Member
I will be growing in the midwest and I was thinking:

Durban Poison, Master Kush, Super Skunk, Bubblelicious, and Jock Horror. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Master Kush and Jock Horror Ftw. Though are you talking about Outdoor like in a green house or outdoor like your back yard? o.o


Well-Known Member
Outdoor strains aye ... I'm no outdoor guy, only done a few minor outdoor grows, but I'd have to say:

- Durban Poison (Dutch Passion)
- Jack Herer (Sensi Seeds) - Much better than Jock Horror, which I assume is from Nirvana, although Jock is a lot cheaper so if you're new to growing, go with the cheaper options till you get the hang of it!
- Mothers Finest (Sensi Seeds)
- Mako Haze (Kiwi Seeds) Cup Winner
- Alegria (Kiwi Seeds) Cup Winner
- 2 Pounder (Kiwi Seeds)
- Mt. Cook (Kiwi Seeds)

Although by your selection above, Durban Poison, Master Kush, Super Skunk, Bubblelicious, and Jock Horror, I'm going to have to assume that you're buying your seeds from Nirvana-shop. If you do get Nirvana seeds, at least get them via The Attitude Seedbank:

Most of the strains I've listed are available via The Attitude, however they're likely to be a tad more expensive than any of those Nirvana strains - But also much better genetics than Nirvana :D


Well-Known Member
Yeah im thinking about guerilla grow out door this summer, What do you personally think- Jack Herer or Automatic AK??


Well-Known Member
hey green i checked out attitude seed bank and man do they have a lot of strains, totally changed my decision on my outdoor grow now im probably going to be getting: Arjans Ultra Haze #1, Barney's Farm Utopia Haze, and im still trying to decide on a skunk strain, any suggestions?


Active Member
hey green i checked out attitude seed bank and man do they have a lot of strains, totally changed my decision on my outdoor grow now im probably going to be getting: Arjans Ultra Haze #1, Barney's Farm Utopia Haze, and im still trying to decide on a skunk strain, any suggestions?
if your going to grow outdoor take a look at some of the kc brains strains as well some of them grow extremely well outside and they are cheap


Active Member
hey green i checked out attitude seed bank and man do they have a lot of strains, totally changed my decision on my outdoor grow now im probably going to be getting: Arjans Ultra Haze #1, Barney's Farm Utopia Haze, and im still trying to decide on a skunk strain, any suggestions?

hey man those are some nice strains right there but where abouts the midwest are you because depending on the climate most hazes require wayy longer flowering times then the climate is willing to supply. i mean i dk where you are so it may be different but im in michigan and those things wouldnt last at all in the climate. you should check out purple power, violator kush (amazing smoke), or even this strain by green house seeds called k train its a mix of kush and trainwreck, grew it outdoors last summer and it was some bomb smoke but check it out also just a note depending on expierence haze strains are usually much harder to cultivate and conceal in your backyard due to their height
good luck man
stay green bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey green i checked out attitude seed bank and man do they have a lot of strains, totally changed my decision on my outdoor grow now im probably going to be getting: Arjans Ultra Haze #1, Barney's Farm Utopia Haze, and im still trying to decide on a skunk strain, any suggestions?
Yeah it's a good site! I've always had good service from them too!
Just remember, Haze varieties are very Sativa dominant, so they get very big!
They should be sweet to grow outdoors, but as people have hesitated on the matter, maybe do a search for some other people who have grown these strains outdoors and see what they say?

As for the skunk strain, you can always go with the classic, Skunk #1 ... Good genetics if you want to breed, good smoke too. Or another good one is Super Skunk, however her colas will be dense so you might want to be careful of mold and such.
If you live in a subtropical climate, Kiwiskunk (Kiwi Seeds) will grow like a dream.
Another skunk I've heard really good things about (but never grown myself) is Lemon Skunk (Green House Seeds - I think?) - Not sure how it would do outside, from memory it's an indoor strain.

If you decide to get Skunk #1 or Super Skunk, I personally recommend you get them from either Sensi Seeds or White Label (branch of Sensi anyway lol) - They also stock a few other good skunks. Check out their website, but order the seeds via The Attitude!

Good luck!!!


Active Member
oh yeah i just read the above comments and unless youve got a good amount of growing expierence i wouldnt even think of attempting to grow jack herer, its a bombass strainn but it requires alot of attention and specifics to achieve good success with it


Well-Known Member
oh yeah i just read the above comments and unless youve got a good amount of growing expierence i wouldnt even think of attempting to grow jack herer, its a bombass strainn but it requires alot of attention and specifics to achieve good success with it
Really? I always thought it was an easy strain to grow. When I grew it it was a piece of piss... I suppose it could depend on which phenos you get though. (Phenos of Jack Herer - or Jock Horror if you're going for the cheap Nirvana rip-off lol - are likely to be either more on the side of Haze, Skunk or Northern Lights, Skunk and NL are generally fairly similar Indica phenos, whereas the Haze phenos are notably more Sativa dominant phenos)


Active Member
i dunno i mean personally i have no expierence with it but a friend of mine has a huge 40 plant garden and he is a vetren he grows most hazes. kush, just about anything with no problems and he told me that his jack herrers were deffinittly one of the hardest strains he's had to grow but yeah it could be a pheno thing, but yeah i mean screw jock horrer if your gonna go with that type of bud you shouldnt dishonor jack herrer with that cheap rip off, ive got a white berry and bf blue cheese on the way now so i should have those planted soon but ill be moving them outdoors after about a month of vegging


Well-Known Member
i dunno i mean personally i have no expierence with it but a friend of mine has a huge 40 plant garden and he is a vetren he grows most hazes. kush, just about anything with no problems and he told me that his jack herrers were deffinittly one of the hardest strains he's had to grow but yeah it could be a pheno thing, but yeah i mean screw jock horrer if your gonna go with that type of bud you shouldnt dishonor jack herrer with that cheap rip off, ive got a white berry and bf blue cheese on the way now so i should have those planted soon but ill be moving them outdoors after about a month of vegging
Fair enough. A lot of people are 'experienced' growers with Indica / Commercial strains but when it comes to Sativa dominant plants such as Haze, they're just not used to it's much more demanding growth requirements. I personally stick to Sativas mostly (other than White Russian, which has a fair bit of Indica in it) ... Things like Kush just grow without help pretty much lol, most indicas do! haha.

I'm not a fan of Indicas (or the extremely over-hyped Kush strains) / or all those Indica dominant commercial strains as I don't like that sort of buzz.
If your mate mostly grows commercial styled strains, than I can understand him having trouble with growing it at first.

Which does make your advice quite good that if you're a new grower, Jack Herer, and similar Haze / Sativa strains are more difficult (in general) to grow than those body bashing Indicas.

Outdoors, that depends a lot on your environment. I live in a subtropical environment so pretty much any strain will go nuts outdoors no matter what lol - Lucky for me :D - Even though I mostly grow indoors :)
