Top 5 People You Would Smoke With


1. Barack Obama
2. Bob Marley
3. Tiger Woods
4. Snoop Dogg
5. any one of you guys (other than lougrew)

Bonus: Tom Petty


Well-Known Member
1.Jack Herer
2.Rihanna (Only if we can bang)
3.Willie Nellson
4.Hank the 3rd baby
5.Osama Bin Laden....Then i would turn him in and get the 50 billion dollar reward or whatever it is now.


Well-Known Member
1) Nichola Tesla
2) George Washington
3) Willie Nelson
4) Frank Lucas
5) Snoop Dogg

This actually had me thinking for awhile.


Well-Known Member
1. Dimebag Darrell
2. Ozzy Osbourne
3. Willie Nelson
4. Tommy Chong
5. Mark Emery

6. Jesus


Well-Known Member
1.bill clinton
2.snoop dogg
3.tommy chong
4.hashbean420 (youtube)
5.ed rosenthal. (his books got me growing)

oh yea 1 more subcool

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
1.will ferrell (only if he played a character and stuck to it)
2.rasheed wallace (if hed let me look at his little bald spot)
3.everyone in congress ( so i could vent to them and they would listen)
4.hannah montana( if i could finger her)
5.ludacris ( if we could chill in the ATL and jam out to blueberry yum yum)