Top 8-10 feet plants


I am reposting here to see if some will answer me. I am a newbie at all this. My plants are about 3 1/2 to 4 months outdoor grow and they are getting very very tall. Some are almost 10 feet and I am wondering if I can top them or if it is too late. A couple have begun flowering for about two weeks now. I have no clue what I am doing but I don't want to kill them by topping them. I am worried about people seeing them since they are getting so tall. I have them pretty well hidden but now the tops can be seen if people know what they are looking for. Also if I should top them how should I do it..I mean can I go down two or three nods? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Can you just tie them over so there not sticking up so tall? I personnly wouldnt top a plant already in flower...but thats just me.


Active Member
tie them over. i had to do this with my girls yesterday cause they were trying to say high to the neighbors lol. it will also allow a lot more light to the lower part of the plant and you will be pleasantly surprised when all the lower branches reach for the sky :) good luck


Well-Known Member
haha sounds like u got urself somthin special there, bet they look great!, ive been told by a few people now never
to cut a plant in flower, and obsession is bang on with the tying the top over, dont know wot part the world u in and wot ime of year it is, but i hope u get the 12/12,you will need for them
to fullfill there potentia go luck, love to see some pics!


Active Member
I'm in central california so I have perfect weather :) the state that never rains lol I'll post some pics when I get to my laptop, good luck guys!