Top bin COB comparison 2

High efficiency isn't needed to do a comparative analysis. Emitters with known part numbers is all that's needed. Lack of disclosure is what has led to the absence of relevant blurple data.
again my reference is the CLW panes with osram ssl's. without reverse engineering the entire panel i can tellyou that the 72 diodes are averaging 2.1W each.

spectrum is here (thats the 2015, red veg curve overlays the blue 2015 bloom curve):

there are some warm whites in there but by and large its 435, 450, 630, 660. turns sour d into golf balls for me. no foxtailing/crowning/stretching loose stuff. gotta think spectrum plays a huge part in that. and as for using old blurple data.... the 2015 CLWs were 11% more efficient than the 2014s which were 26% more efficient than the 2013s. thats my own par data, not mfr BS. and on a umol basis i still dont think they are as good as the BML/fluence. like cobs there is a cost barrier, its hard to get anything decent under $3/watt. in the end i think cobs will win based on pure efficiency and also as you described the white light offering more complete plant development but numbers arent everything

HPS puts down a lot more par per watt than a LEC but look at those results.....
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High efficiency isn't needed to do a comparative analysis. Emitters with known part numbers is all that's needed. Lack of disclosure is what has led to the absence of relevant blurple data.
i agree. you'll never get real numbers from builders with epistar trash

cutter has blurple cobs.....they have a phosphor layer but mark said they are monos underneath
Well get yer grow on! :)

Regarding the video, nice GPW, would like to see it replicated. The DE yield seems substandard though. If someone can't get a GPW with DE then I'm not sure what to think.
yeah they had poor light control with the HPS. A LOT of their light was on the walls/aisles not the canopy.

still, 1.6 GPW in 2014 is impressive, no? a lot of that is the wide uniform pattern of the leds and uniform canopy lighting. kinda reminds me of....cob arrays! i think a lot of the fantastic results cobbers are getting are due to the array model vs overly intense point source hid lighting

but yeah i need to get my grow on. (un?)fortunately real job is more lucrative right now so i only get to peck at my 'hobby'
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Yes, impressive.

I've gotten similar from VeroV1 at 40% efficiency. No doubt there are a variety of factors going into a yield figure. Grams per par watt would be the interesting bit when we're getting as specific as the spectrum.[]=on&products_only_new[]=on&s_field=artykul&s_order=ASC&visible_params=2,1088,754,1113,1096,1102,1101,120,1110,2456&used_params=2:52558;1110:355676;

Haven't actually checked where they ship but .eu site, located in Poland, supports german language... should be good. $12.50 when buying 9+, $15.63 per piece. Only problem..., not in stock, takes 7 weeks...

Last time I asked TME about Citizen cobs they would not sell to me in UK. Distribution is regional and you have to contact the Rep in your country.
I have found a company in U.K just waiting on quote.

Cheers Will
I read something about a new upcoming cree cob bin, one worth waiting for. Is that true and can someone give an eta?
all cxb series are expecting a bump this quarter according to rumors. they will still be cxbs but DD stock will replace DB, DB will replace CD, CD will replace CB, etc
Thanks, got it. Got a grow going and will take a couple of months to finish and not in a rush. Will give me some time to soak up all the great info here too!
were talking a 5-8% bump. no real reason to wait if you could be growing otherwise. if youre one of thsoe people like myself that piles up projects and the cobs will be on the shelf for mos before getting lit up it might be worth it to wait

but we have new veros coming out too so those will be a real contender
I want to give my grow space a little overhaul before I start using cobs so I will have to wait a couple of months anyway. I plan to use them for a very long time and add more next winter so of I wait now I can buy the same ones soon and again next winter. Instead of having older and newer bins in the same rig or buying oldest to match in december.

5-8%, relative to the total efficiency increase, is worth waiting for imo. Not if that would mean not being able to grow and lose money but I have light and grow for personal use only.

but we have new veros coming out too so those will be a real contender
Ok thanks for mentioning that. I thought I could do some work before ordering the cobs already but won't be buying connectors for cxb just yet then.
yeah its hard to say how the veros would do, im expecting they will exceed mfr claims the way we run them (soft)...
yeah its hard to say how the veros would do, im expecting they will exceed mfr claims the way we run them (soft)...
Is there a source of legit details for the upcoming veros? Im hoping to replace the first gen v29 in my optic 360. Id like to keep everything else the same so id be running them at about 2.1mA.
No details beyond the press release yet. I'm in the queue for a preliminary datasheet but it could be days or weeks before it's released.

So still confused about their press release, 155 to 180 LPW. Vero datasheets contain both 25C and 85C performance charts. Their advertised typical is 130 LPW which corresponds to the 25C measurements, so it's odd that 155 was the bold number in the press statement although that would be a reasonable performance revision from 130. If 180 is the 25C pulse measurement it will be a game changer, but it's just difficult to suspect that to be the case. At 155 (25C reading) Vero will be behind the new CX revision at nominal current.

I'm hoping you may be right about running soft though, same package size with reduced heat load and the Vero might be very competitive at lower currents. I'm in the process of setting up a testing station with an SQ-520, so I'll be testing the current and revised Vero and CX at a variety of wattages, will be glad to post results when I have them.

They specifically wrote "warm white" efficiacy so the 155 - 180 is not from the difference in CCT. Could have been like 155 for 3K and 180 for 6400 or something like that.

Maybe the difference between max and lowest CRI, like 155 for the 90 and 180 for the 70. That would be great!

Would be odd if the lpw in that press release would be based on Tc imo but crazier things happen.

180 is already possible with 50C10K0-l-24, at 500ma.:)

EDIT: no 70k for warm white. The difference in lpw between the warm white v29 gen 6 cri 80 and the cri 90 is roughly 15% and so is the difference between 155-180 so my guess is that reflects cri 80-90.
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