Top dressing?


Active Member
Sup fellas hope all is well

I'm like a week n 1/2 into flowering I wanna top dress them soon with some bat guano or seabird guano something to give them a little kick. What u guys think?
I'm in 5gallon smart pots I have about a inch n 1/2 of space in each pot to top dress. How much guano should I mix in a pot that size? Should I mix guano with some fresh soil and top it with mixed soil? Not really sure how to use the guano new to soil.


Organic Altruism

Well-Known Member
I usually top dress with straight worm castings and call it a day. My girls always love it. If your worried about nutes, I would definitely stick with guanos. Just be sure to use a 1-2 (N-P) ratio to keep an optimal nute balance for the flowering stage.

EDIT: As far as how much of the stuff. Throw down linke a 1/4" of worm castings and 1 tbs. of guano per gallon of soil.


Well-Known Member
I top 3inches of fresh soil from the same batch I used to transplant. It works wonders! Helps save you lots of nutrients. For example transplant 1 week before flower, add top soil Week 3 of flower, and only use full strength nutes Week 6,7,8,9


Active Member
So after reading a whole bunch of different methods on how to feed organic plants I've decided to go with the compost tea I heard a lot of great things about it figured it couldn't hurt to try it.

Just started to brew it gonna water them tomorrow with it they say let brew 24hours. have you guys heard of compost tea any of you use it?

