I don't mean to be a downer, nor do I wish to break the stride of those willing to help and push the movement forward. Eager beavers are good.
I have been pretty outspoken against 420 and the mmj card. It is distortion of what I voted for.
Not having an indoor setup, I am limited to what I can grow in season. Six plants don't provide enough mj for all year, at least in my climate zone.
Paying the county $155 a year does not excite me either. Why? I already pay my doctor that much as well as tax on my medicine. The cost of the meds are also being held at an artificial high due to the restrictions of 420. Fewer people are growing fewer plants. Street prices are still cheaper.
I actually like Jerry Brown. I've voted for him every chance I could. I hope he runs for governor again. We came close to legalization when he was governor before. Yet he is still hesitant. He was then and he is now. He needs to be pushed. He needs to rewrite his opinion and stand up for the original bill. His attempt to appease the feds is no longer needed. California is at a point of no return on the mj issue. We as a state have a right.
The California mmj card is a symbol of all that's wrong with the current direction we are headed.Though a treasure in the eyes of those in non medical states,those with no rights at all, they set us apart as somehow being different. Regestered criminals per say.