top leaves look pretty bad


Well-Known Member
I got 1 red desiel from barneys farm thats about a month or more into flowering, andthe top leaves are starting to look really bad. about a week and a half ago all was good except the very bottom fan leaves would turn brown on the edges and eventually die. so i wasnt sure if it was gettingtoo little, or not enough nutes. So what did i do? i juicedit up and gave her more nutes and now the top leaves look really burned to shit. There all crispy and dotted and look pretty much dead. Since the over nuteing, i flushed it and didnt add any nutes,and then i just watered yesterday with half nutes.

I wonder if i should just cut of the top dead looking leaves? Will they get better? should i continue to feed half nutes?



Well-Known Member
i just mainly wanna kno if its cool to cut off the top bigger leaves around the main cola. Those are really the only leaves that look really bad and there blocking alot of light for the other leaves.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You have to correct the problem before you trim damaged leaves. Otherwise, the plant will just start drawing nutrients from other leaves instead. You appear to have a Potassium deficiency. Could be some P deficiency in there as well.


Well-Known Member
Crap! Im in a fucked situation here. I could of sworn the leaves are like that cause of nute burn cause i did a really heaving feeding 10 days ago and ever since that feeding the leaves have began to get crusty and spotted.

But if its a potassium def, i can juice it up with that right now, but if its nute burn, that will make it 10 times worste right?

uhhhh this is frustrating


Well-Known Member
wtf? man im such an amatuer. so confused right now. i thought it started from the top. So those top leaves are showing sighn of potassium def u think? So i should add MORE nutes next feeding???

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Just think of soil being too rich in nutrients. They are sucked up by the roots and moved up the plant. The first leaves these high levels of nutes reach are the bottom ones. As they move up the plant, they get somewhat weaker. Also, the faster a part of the plant is growing, the more nutes it can handle since it needs more.

Being deficient in certain nutes means you should give them more of those particular elements. It's possible to feed too much of one element and not enough of another, causing a combination of burning and deficiency caused problems. Start by giving them K with maybe some P and little or no N. After that feeding, alternate with plain water the next watering and then the next feeding give them your regular fert mix with a little more K added. Make a note of the new flowering mix so future growth doesn't have the same problem- assuming the K fixes the problem.