Top leaves


Active Member
My plant's top leaves are turning a really dark green and becoming kinda wrinkly. Is this normal or can this be heat burn?

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
not normal.... picture please...

ease up on the feeding.. actually don't feed them the next time you water... and if you are growing hydro, I would dilute your reservoir to 1/2 whatever PPMs you are running (just for 24 hours)



Active Member
I have started to see that each plant has starting turning a yellowish color. It started in the smaller pots but now it is showing in the bigger ones. How do I fix this?


Well-Known Member
People might say, nitrogen deficiency. Sure, that could be the problem... but how have your fertilized the plants? what have you been feeding them? what kind of soil are they being grown in? all things we need 2 know so we can give u our opinions... well, mine atleast, lol


New Member
Heard it was becuz of spider mites...
how can i get rid of these bitches... would lemon ammonia work? by puttin cup of it by the plants?