top of my plant snapped on early flowering plant. Please Help!


Well-Known Member
8-9 inches of my main stem snapped but is still holding on with a piece of stem, there are two other tops will they continue to grow or will it all die? also would it survive if i taped it or will it not work because it is flowering? thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Yeah, tape it up. It should make it. I have snapped off full stems right to the base of the plant. They are tougher than you think.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks... its been snapped for about a day now should it be fine after i tape it still?


Well-Known Member
Most likely. It just needs to be able to get water past the snap to the rest of the stem. They heal pretty quickly. You'll know soon but it shouldn't do anything to the rest of the plant even if it fails to pull through.