As title says, the top of my soil has a white crust. Anyone know what this is?
Healthy plants yet some on the bottom are yellowing and turning brownish gold in some areas and bottom of the plants are droopy. I'm in week 2 of flowering and just started using schultz bloom nutes. I know all of this is basic information and might not be enough but honestly I don't have all the answers of my grow for you. Best I can type of setup, ask anything that would help me help you and I'll try to help you help me =)
Healthy plants yet some on the bottom are yellowing and turning brownish gold in some areas and bottom of the plants are droopy. I'm in week 2 of flowering and just started using schultz bloom nutes. I know all of this is basic information and might not be enough but honestly I don't have all the answers of my grow for you. Best I can type of setup, ask anything that would help me help you and I'll try to help you help me =)