top or not? let it be known

joe godbud

hey thereROLLITUP community. .was bout to start 3 autos in tent and wanted to know if i should not top tem to make space?? does not topping them make em yeild less? i can say i never grew and did not top let me knoww
I know right it seems weird not being aloud to. I'm growing my first auto right now and everyone says don't top just LST because they don't have enough time to recovery from being topped.
if u are growing any new strain or first time ........always let it go natural
this is a baseline for the strain so u know how it grows how the buds form and site numbers as u tweak things u know it is a improvement or not

ok now if u are growing soil .......NO TOPPING .......the short life of the plant can not handle it .........u can super crop (pinch the branches so a knot forms )
if u are hydro u can top .......the auto plant can be tricked into growing little longer with right feed mix (causes it to be a monster plant) ...but enough time to really get benefit out of it