Top soil or potting soil?


Well-Known Member
hello, I have 4 seedlings that just opened up and are currently in Rapid Rooters...I don't want them to stretch too much and fall over but I ran out of perlite, Verm, coco, everything last night. I have a bad of Schultz top soil which is 0 nutrients but I am worried about it being too compacted and over watering? Or I have miracle grow potting soil, but I am pretty sure that will burn my babies...should I use the top soil? Or just wait till Tuesday or Wednesday and hope they don't die in the Rapids? Thanks for any advice


Well-Known Member
Top soil has no perlite or any other lightener. I use it outdoors but not for potted plants. MG sometimes has pelletized fertilizer and that isn't good either. If it were me I would wait u til you can buy what you need. The plant(s) can wait. They'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
33% peat, 33% highest grade possible compost, 33% perlite or another aeration agent.
Add a cup of pelleted horse manure or half a cup of all purpose high grade guano per 50L of mix to cut your fertilizer needs at least by 50%.


Well-Known Member
You can use rice hulls, coarse coco, sand etc. You will need something to aerate your mix and perlite is an easy fix. Perlite is also very light in weight making it easy to ship.

If you end up using perlite make sure to use a breathing filter as the perlite dust is highly irritating when inhaled.