If I top my soil with alfalfa hay (mulch) will it fertilize my soil or I would have to steep it into water.. or grind it up and top the soil? +Rep
How cold is it where you are? Are there plants in the ground right now? How deep is the mulch? Are the stems still stems or broken to bits?hotrod
Thanks for the reply.. I am completely lost.. I already top the soil with alfalfa hay.. should i take it out? I was thinking alfalfa meal is basically grind up hay and it would probably act the same if i was going to topped it with alfalfa meal, wouldn't it?
Not to mention, uncomposted material often becomes 'hot' or very high in N while decomposing.Uncomposted hay would be considered green manure. I know it's not used yet but . . .. It should be well composted first. If not, when it gets wet and begins to decompose (into compost) it can generate internal temperatures over 165 F. It's enough to kill weed seed and, with alfalfa, or any hay, you mos def want that. Every frigging weed growing in that crop is in there.
Then after you mulch with your composted hay, put a container of earthworms under it. And all of this will fertilize your plants in a good and healthy way.
Oh yeah - leaf mold, from plain old tree leaves in your yard, sport the best leaf mold. It is one of the absolute best agents to help breakdown a compost heap pronto. The heat generated will kill any all leaf mold spores which are harmless to pot anyway.