Top44 Indoor Grow With 250watt CFL


Well-Known Member
Items In Grow...

Seeds= 10x Nirvana Top44
Grow Medium= 70ltrs Levingtons High Grade Compost
Light= 250watt CFL 8U Bulb = 1000watt incandescent.
Nutes For Veg= Bio-Bizz Grow
Nutes For Bloom= Bio-Bizz Bloom
Grow Space= 1.2m x 1.2m x 2.0m
Fans= 1x 15" multi speed fan, 1x 6" Computer fan for air outlet.
Temps= (max) 81oC / 51% Hum (Min) 78oC / 45% Hum

Whats the plan stan???

Veg for 6 weeks or till 12" tall from seed, Once plants reach desired height/weeks remove males and place under 12/12 250Watt CFL 2700k , 19500 lumens bulb. then harvest and get stoned....


Well-Known Member
Ok guy im jusr back dating the pics so you guys can get to see the plants progress, PLEASE NOTE THAT I AM NOW ON DAY 22 from seed. i planted on 12/09/09. I started seeds with 18watt 24" daylight flourecent lights untill 4 days ago i switched to 250watt 64000k CFL 8U Bulb and since the switch my plants seem to grow about an 1/2 inch per day. oics bellow



Well-Known Member
plants are stretched...keep the cfl's about 2-3" away from tops to prevent any more stretch...other than that...they look pics of your more recent pics...


Well-Known Member
Hi finaly now upto date with my pics, spose i could of taken more from early days but didnt wonna bore you all lol sorry... ok pics taken today 04.10.2209 22 days into veg and now feeding helf strength nutes (bio-bizz grow) and plants looking healthy as ever apart from bottom leaves curling up but they will die and drop of in the end anyway so not worried about them. sorry bout the bad quality pics i aint got a good cam



Well-Known Member
Ok sorry to bore you all with uploading my pics, but fort it would be good for other first time cfl growers to have alook at what other people are achiving, pics taken about 13 days into veg
oops...didnt see the last pic update...things are lookin' good!


Well-Known Member
The plant that you can just see on the right hand side seems to be a (special plant) when i say special i meen (spatsic) from day 1 the leaves have been growing strange and now the leaves are starting to spiral its not a heat issue or over watering as all my plants get the exact same treatment. but i am going to keep this plant coz a friend of mine had a plant do the same thing and in the last 3 weeks of flowering it went mental and budded a massive 57g's dry weight. so fingers crossed i get the same special treatment he did LOL


Well-Known Member
Hey guys i was sitting at home bored so i fort i would upload some new pics of my babys. Im really sad to say but i nearly lost all my plants yesturday as i got home only to notice that all the leafs on every plants were cupped & going brown. I still dont know what it was that caused this but i didnt have much time to try and diagnose the problem so i just did everything. i turn the fan up to max speed to try keep the temps down. I then raised the light about 2 inches to make sure it wasnt to hot. i then flushed every plant with 3 gallons of ph fixed water per plant. i then put them back into the grow room and had a sleepless night waking up every hour and checking my plants wernt dead. its only been 13 hours since i flushed ect but they have come back to life and done me proud.
I put it down to underwatering in the end, i was so scared that i would overwater and in the end i underwatered, (what a fucker) Any ways ive upped so more pics taken today after flushing yesturday and just want other CFL growers to see what i am doing.



Well-Known Member
Ok after 2 days my plants seem to have fully recovered from what ever it was that caused them to nearly die. Heres some new pics taken today....

9x plants & 1x 200 watt CFL light.

Just to let all the other CFL growers out there know that people always talking crap about CFL's are no good. well its all rubbish. Take a look at my grow ive got 9 plants under just 250 watt of CFL = 850 watts of incandescent light.

PS.. my friends is growing to exact same plants from the same seed dealer but hes plants are under 2x 400 watt HPS lights and they are no taller or wider than mines . plus he had to go and spend an extra £185 on equipment to keep hes temps down where i am just fine with a desktop fan and computer case fan in my grow room. I think you will all agree that my grow is looking good for a CFL with 9 plants and 1 light ???


Well-Known Member
sorry guy i forgot to add pics to last post

Ok after 2 days my plants seem to have fully recovered from what ever it was that caused them to nearly die. Heres some new pics taken today....

9x plants & 1x 200 watt CFL light.

Just to let all the other CFL growers out there know that people always talking crap about CFL's are no good. well its all rubbish. Take a look at my grow ive got 9 plants under just 250 watt of CFL = 850 watts of incandescent light.

PS.. my friends is growing to exact same plants from the same seed dealer but hes plants are under 2x 400 watt HPS lights and they are no taller or wider than mines . plus he had to go and spend an extra £185 on equipment to keep hes temps down where i am just fine with a desktop fan and computer case fan in my grow room. I think you will all agree that my grow is looking good for a CFL with 9 plants and 1 light ???



Well-Known Member
OK i topped all the plants a few days ago and they seem to be doing great ill add some more pics in the morning once the light comes on. I think these plants are gonna be huge as they are growing around an inch every 2 days now. think im gonna have to put them into flower very soon or im going to run into hight issue later on


Well-Known Member
Nice grow man top 44 are from nirvana right i didnt think they sold then any more i guess ill look again happy growing


Well-Known Member
they look good for a single you initiate flowering you might need more cfls depending how big your plants get


Well-Known Member
Yes the top 44 seeds are from nirvana seed bank, You are correct because nirvana did stop making selling top 44 for about 4 years but they have just released them again and i was lucky to get the last pack from my local seed shop. But im sure you will get them from the nirvana website. My friend grew them about 4 years ago and he said from what he can remember the top 44 plant had a massive yield of about 650gr per plant wet, and about 250gr dry weight.

Nice grow man top 44 are from nirvana right i didnt think they sold then any more i guess ill look again happy growing


Well-Known Member
Yes once i induce flowering i am going to add another 250watt 27000k CFL light and also i need a carbon filter as my room is starting to stink and i have to sleep in it, plus i dont want my mum to get stoned when shes hoovering my room LOL