Top44 Indoor Grow With 250watt CFL


Well-Known Member
quick update day 24 into flowering plant growth has now alomst stoped, so the buds should now start packing on some weight now. ive really noticed that using CFL lights the lower buds just dont get enough light but i dont have any room for side lighting so im gonna have to cut my losses with this grow. However the top buds seem to be doing fine at the moment they are small and really dense so lets hope they stay this way, id rather medium sized dense buds than big fluffy buds full of air.... any here are afew new pics



Well-Known Member
to be honest it smells strong inside the room i have my grow tent in. but if the door is shut you cannot smell a thing outside the room. my family are always around my house so i just shut my bedroom door and they have not said a thing.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys now onto 28th day of flowering. buds are starting to back out now and showing shit loads of THC the leafs around the buds are almost pure white.... Sorry pics are blury but i have to use the camera on my mobile phone as have no digital camera. some buds still have pure white trichs and some have a mixture of light orange and white?? dont know why as thet are all the same strain. They recomend 6 / 7 weeks flowring period for this strain but im thinking more 8 / 9 weeks give buds time to fatten plus im using CFL so take a little longer.


Amazing man, I was dead tired getting home from work, planned on smoking and quickly going to sleep. However I just read your entire thread. I enjoyed it a lot, the wick system experiment was pretty cool too.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys sorry i havent updated this thread lately. but i am here to do so now....

I harvest my 6 plants 6 days ago and i was very very very happy with the results i got from CFL lights..

After harvest the wet weight was 721 Grams and the dry weight now is 273 Grams. and let me tell you this stuff is the bomb, TOP44 FROM NIRVANA...

I was only to find out today that nirvana have now stoped making TOP44 strains so i was lucky that i kept a mother plant that is now 3 foot tall so i am going to take lots of cutting tomorrow.

hope you all like this thread..



Well-Known Member
Hey great thread i was wondering how long you decided to go until you harvested. also major props on the cfl lighting


Well-Known Member
yes i was very pleased with the crop but i will defo go with HPS for next grow... my friend is growing with HPS and hes plants look double the size of mine and its the same strain...