topped and now 3 heads?


Well-Known Member
thats why im starting 2 plants every 2 weeks, but im still waiting for my first harvest, about 5 to 6 weeks to go then 2 plants every 2 weeks, depending on strain.
it will be so good, to have a plant a week to smoke.
im aiming for 1 to 2 oz a plant, maybe more, due to all my topping.
but yes 1 oz a week would do fine.
what do you say?.
Are you gonna make some seeds crazy,just use clones or buy more seed all the time?


Well-Known Member
might have a go at breeding a big bang with a strawberry haze.
but prob just clones,
might use the 250 hps for a couple of mothers.
what would you use for mothers.
big bang
arjans strawberry haze
pakistan valley
im growing all these strains.
what 2 kinds would you keep for mothers.
and what 2 would be best to breed/


Well-Known Member
might have a go at breeding a big bang with a strawberry haze.
but prob just clones,
might use the 250 hps for a couple of mothers.
what would you use for mothers.
big bang
arjans strawberry haze
pakistan valley
im growing all these strains.
what 2 kinds would you keep for mothers.
and what 2 would be best to breed/
If it was me i would breed durbanxbigbangxice and indigoxarjansxvenus.
Ak48 would be really easy to keep a constant supply of clones from and so would durban.
So i would breed durban with bigbang then recross the results with ice and indigo with arjans and then recross the result with venus:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if when i do, you mite be able to help and give a few pointers, that would be great?.
i also got a new 600hps and superthrive and some p for flowering.
total cost £104.oo including post del and vat. i used basement lighting, ive used the firm before.


Well-Known Member
will the ak48 be the best strain.
when i was saying the plants had no crystals, well now there well comming, and the little heater is doing fine, and the plants like the warmer, cons.
thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
will the ak48 be the best strain.
when i was saying the plants had no crystals, well now there well comming, and the little heater is doing fine, and the plants like the warmer, cons.
thanks for the help.
If this is the first time you have fimmed then all though it takes a bit longer to start flowering you should notice a lot more crystal development imo as the plant has basically been attacked i am a great believer in the fact that among other things thc,resin,crystals etc. are part of its defense system.
Apparently a 36 hour dark period before 12/12 flowering can help to kick start flowering if you need them to come on quickly.
Obviously 36 hrs darkness is a trade of on the growth you would have achieved and the speed in which you want them to show sex.
When you attack the plant,fimm it,it puts our more tops in defense,then more fimming more top more oil more thc etc.
This is all just my opinion though and i have no evidence:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
if i poll. a female with a male, do you have to keep the female, that has been pollenated, away from the rest of the females, that are not poll.
i know the male has to be seperate, but after i poll a fem. can i put it back with the other girls?.or will it need time away or a room of its own?.like the male.


Well-Known Member
I just get the tiniest spread of pollen on my finger and wipe it across a lower bud.
The grease of my finger stops any from dropping off my finger and leaves no stray pollen anyway.
If your worried about it though just wait 12 hours and then spray the pollinated bud with water from mister to negate and small particles that may be left:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
looked at the plants this morening ,just now, and they are so happy, the flowers are growing like mad.
these are deffo my best plants, ive done so far.
and 10 out of 10 females, the only 2 out 0f 12 plants, in 12/12. are the ak48 what are now day 4.


Well-Known Member
If this is the first time you have fimmed then all though it takes a bit longer to start flowering you should notice a lot more crystal development imo as the plant has basically been attacked i am a great believer in the fact that among other things thc,resin,crystals etc. are part of its defense system.
Apparently a 36 hour dark period before 12/12 flowering can help to kick start flowering if you need them to come on quickly.
Obviously 36 hrs darkness is a trade of on the growth you would have achieved and the speed in which you want them to show sex.
When you attack the plant,fimm it,it puts our more tops in defense,then more fimming more top more oil more thc etc.
This is all just my opinion though and i have no evidence:blsmoke:
been thinking about what you said.
and the plants make thc for some reason.
and saying they grow thc as a defense, sounds, realistic.
one to think about.


Well-Known Member
regarding the plants defenses - check out the paper Chemical Ecology of Cannabis (D.W. Pate 1994) - I have learned a lot from this an other references from that paper.


Well-Known Member
some flower pics,
these fem plants,
are deffo not hermie yet.
i thought i may have to sling these, but they are doing fine, as are the rest of the flowering females, all 11, of them.
they have streatched a little, but i wanted them to a bit, cos every plant has a min of 3 to 8 main colas, and im going to concentrate on just them parts of the plants.
3 to 8 donkey dicks per plant.
thursssss 001.jpg

thursssss 002.jpg

thursssss 003.jpg

thursssss 004.jpg


Well-Known Member
more pics, the flowers have got much bigger now, i have more light and heat in the closet.
still waiting for my 600hps to arave today. its 1pm now, and hasnt arived yet. im going to ring the shop now and see if they can track it,
cos its the first nice day of the year, and i want to take the dogs to the woods, to chase some rabbits
more pics.
thursssss 005.jpg

thursssss 006.jpg

thursssss 007.jpg

thursssss 008.jpg



Well-Known Member
hey crazy....those plants are looking healthy....nice flowers.....they will start taking off big time soon....sure the 600W will be a huge boost!


Well-Known Member
does anyone think the buds might be a little swolen, due to them getting a little, warmer, than they have been, at late.
is this ok?.
do they seem ok?
anyone?...thursssss 009.jpg

thursssss 010.jpg

thursssss 011.jpg

thursssss 012.jpg