Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.


Well-Known Member
i used 4 gallon trash barrels..just get some small trash barrels..there taller than wide to witch is what u want!


Well-Known Member
any where bro..wal-mart..home depot..hd has those cheep black plastic pots there like 1$..i got the 2 gallon ones..even if u can find old buckets..just wash them with soap and hot water..drill some drain holes on the bottom and bang! free pots!..good luck dude!..btw post those harvest pics!


Well-Known Member
ights thanks bro. and here ya go=] still drying tho. hope you like. i cant wait to smoke it=]:mrgreen: not bad for a stick of bud=] aaarrrrr captian. ill fight you with my sword of bud. knock yo ass out wit one hitt=]



Well-Known Member
got more pics for you guys.=] if you guys wanna see them. hit me up. or well write i wanna see the new pics man. if i get 5 people that say it ill post a shit load up for you guys. she is really starting to fill in nicely. should have some fat buds of light sabors. ill fight you luke skywalker=] haha. fuck it. hit it up manez.


Well-Known Member
wow bro looking great as always haha imma post pics of mine tommorow after work
haha thanks bro. and well im gonna flush tomamrow or the next day cuz the tip of my leafs are curling down. so ima flush her and see what she thinks the next day=] and well buds hanging up are allmost dry. but there still sticky icky=]