TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


Weed Modifier
Ok that's it screw the shell every time I go away I miss all the good shit! Amazing lime do love the side by side..
Too funny...that's how it seems to work sometimes?

Well Charlie has grown 1/2 her height in 1 week....WWWOoooooooohhhhhhoooooooooo!!! well 7", she is now 21".

Awesome, Ww and her seem to be getting along which is a good thing?

And angel??? still no roots:( ...but she still looks good, SOON I HOPE!


Well-Known Member
:) very nice side by side dude :leaf: and to think how far back this goes... :wall:

But charlie is gorgeous. Wish I could taste her when she's done, too bad I will never be able too :P :weed:


Well i did it! Not on purpose of course! Just wanting to know if anyone has done this to a seedling, and can it survive the trama?:confused:

Any advise on this topic would be greatly appreciated...:joint:
I had a bubba kush seedling maybe 2 inches tall only water leaves, and a bug or something ate my leaves to nothing but a lil stem poking out of the dirt... I looked in vain for said bug to give him a lil piece of my mind he didnt touch the other 2 right beside it. Anyways I cast the ate bubaa kush baby to the side in a shady place. Low and Behold a few weeks later(after an accidental spillage of water on the way by) I caught a glimpse of green out of the corner of my eye... (double take) Baby Bubba was poking her head up with a bag seed baby right beside her. So I started the 2 on a water regimen and moved them into the light. Now Mini bubba is small (only 18 inches tall) but she lives and is in the 4th week of flower now. Will likely only produce a 1/4 but it was my only fem seed (got lucky had 4 of 6 show there femanin sides) but i got clones off her so perpetual is in place. So dont give up completely some plants are amazing and really want to grow


Weed Modifier
I had a bubba kush seedling maybe 2 inches tall only water leaves, and a bug or something ate my leaves to nothing but a lil stem poking out of the dirt... I looked in vain for said bug to give him a lil piece of my mind he didnt touch the other 2 right beside it. Anyways I cast the ate bubaa kush baby to the side in a shady place. Low and Behold a few weeks later(after an accidental spillage of water on the way by) I caught a glimpse of green out of the corner of my eye... (double take) Baby Bubba was poking her head up with a bag seed baby right beside her. So I started the 2 on a water regimen and moved them into the light. Now Mini bubba is small (only 18 inches tall) but she lives and is in the 4th week of flower now. Will likely only produce a 1/4 but it was my only fem seed (got lucky had 4 of 6 show there femanin sides) but i got clones off her so perpetual is in place. So dont give up completely some plants are amazing and really want to grow
ooohhh I haven't lol

check out post#353 for updated page

Do you have a pic...feel free to post one if you like...i would like to see her?

Welcome to RIU!!! Thanks for stopping in and sharing!


I got to get some pics... started her on dyna-gro flower today and she looks a lot better in a matter of 6 hours shes still a runt had a rough life but Ill get some tonight hopefully


Weed Modifier
well i just got done +rep'n all who has stopped into this thread...but not done as now they said im on a 24hrs suspension so...ill get the rest in a bit...i promise!!! why the hold??? idk lol

Updated pics to come soon!!!


Well-Known Member
Lmao thanks lime and they think we spread too much love at times I disagree and I only stopped in because I accidentally canceled my subscription opps well I'm out of riu awhile will still be watching the grow ;) take care and thanks again


Weed Modifier
Lmao thanks lime and they think we spread too much love at times I disagree and I only stopped in because I accidentally canceled my subscription opps well I'm out of riu awhile will still be watching the grow ;) take care and thanks again
well with you gone who is going to able to keep me outta my shell??? huh? how come i was not told this earlier that your out? wtf???.................


Weed Modifier
YES CHAHHHRLIE! hahaha.. awsome man.. she made it, now its time to enjoy some scenery:weed:
yes about Time hey.....? lol

I will be posting weekly updated pics as i go...and maybe a little guessing weight thingy??? well see ....if there is an interest we will see???

thanks for stopping in hope you got my rep( herb thinks i didn't get him?) lol j/k you didnt get the idea of it? lol


Active Member
yah man forsure Mj can be a resilient plant at times!!!

shitty....but glad she worked out!.... see another oops....but still alive! man you should post a pic??? i would love to see it!

post a few if you like and thanks for stopping in man, all are welcome here!!! Welcome to RIU!!! stop by anytime....
yeah i was seriously sick when i thot i had killed it, becasue it was SUCH good bud and i was lucky enough to find a single seed in it!saved it for months..planted and then,

thanks for the warm welcome..heres a teaser..i need to find my camera, but i took this with my phone for ya..its the top bud..ill get a whole-plant shot once i can get some privacy around here <_< >_> lol peace



Well-Known Member
yea dude you totally shound post weekly update pics bro i for one would like to see how my god daughter is doing...


so I stumbled upon your post 38 pgs ago with your lil Charlie Brown xmas tree/Basil...been here thru it all I have a plant that had something fall on it then my cat ate part of it and its the ugliest lil thing but I just dont have the heart to toss it....Im glad this worked out for you, it was certainly entertaining thru all the haters comments etc, Im hoping my lil dwarfie goes fem like yours...I would post pics but I have to learn about this site 1st, I dont understand +rep and all that so pardon my bad manners and just jumping right in here but I wanted to say grow/job well done!


Well-Known Member
so I stumbled upon your post 38 pgs ago with your lil Charlie Brown xmas tree/Basil...been here thru it all I have a plant that had something fall on it then my cat ate part of it and its the ugliest lil thing but I just dont have the heart to toss it....Im glad this worked out for you, it was certainly entertaining thru all the haters comments etc, Im hoping my lil dwarfie goes fem like yours...I would post pics but I have to learn about this site 1st, I dont understand +rep and all that so pardon my bad manners and just jumping right in here but I wanted to say grow/job well done!
hey thanks for all the kind words... lime sure did do a good job with charlie didnt he??
and im gonna rep you because you have got the same problem going on with a girl of your own...
as far as rep goes all you do is click on the sherriff star under each avatar and you can post a comment to lime he does totally deserve it, not only for what he has done on this thread but he has helped so many on riu as well..
peace schoolme!