TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?


New Member
you should know better then that
i dont want to bring drama
im glad to call you,lime,rene, and doc my friends and if i left anyone out i didnt mean to

dude tell me about it lime fab doesnt like to post in our threads cause hes scared he will bring trouble from the troll army that follows him...

or maybe he just doesnt like us that much??


Well-Known Member
lol, i dont know if you remember fab but you actually sent me a pm way back saying thats why you didnt frequent our threads...
no worries man i get it...


New Member
ok i can tell when the welcome mats been rolled up
sorry to have bothered u guys

lol, i dont know if you remember fab but you actually sent me a pm way back saying thats why you didnt frequent our threads...
no worries man i get it...


Well-Known Member
yes gibbs whats the good news didnt know u had some troubles i guess i was being a bad friend for not keeping in touch
ya check out my current grow thread man no worries, we all have lots of friends on here to keep up with, aswell as ladies to take care of.. time isnt always so free spaced

hey gibbs whats the word on the home drama any good news??
i got everything set up at my buddies all las night and today came home around 4 or something today and my mom said that he didnt show but said he would show tomorrow so whateves.. i got everything out of the house.. plants/lights/equipment.. but it can only stay at my friends till thursday night so i hope this all gets smoothed over.. i really dont see how he think hes going to go about this tho lol like they need a warrant.. and im obv. smart enough to move the shit like c'mon.. plus its probably just some random police man not a DEA agent lol


Well-Known Member
what dude why you trippn? i just said i understand why you didnt visit... thats actually cool that you would look out like that, not wanting these other bitches fucking up our threads...
you will always be welcomed...


Well-Known Member
lol i wish we had tellaporters.. but then from watching "The Big Bang Theory" i found out that you would actually be destroying something in one spot then recreating it in another:bigjoint: