TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

scary, you gotta watch them puppies close.

she chased their boom truck a mile then she got her leg clipped wasnt herself for a few days
she drives me crazy she being wide open running around and i missed it while she rested now she back to wide open eating up everything and tearing shit up
but im glad she is
lol you can always tell a good man by how happy his dog is..

she loves me i cant even move a few feet without her following me and u go somewhere and leave her she tears up everything
she is always right up under my feet
anyone seen lime? i got his yahoo email i need to contact him
lol, but puppies dont talk back..

nope and if u give them a one dollar chew toy they happy
umm I cant put a price on my chew dude where the heck is lime? I would post nudy pics if it would get him to come back..
man has nothing changed around here? still people giving bad advice and trying to sabotage peoples crops.. is it jelousy or just mean fuckers with nothing beter to do...?
yea man when I didnt know anything all I did was read read read... not try to give advise cause they read it in 3 seconds earlier.. so fustrating!
yea man when I didnt know anything all I did was read read read... not try to give advise cause they read it in 3 seconds earlier.. so fustrating!

there is always bad advice around out there thats why good growers like you are needed here better stick around this time my also be the only way to lure lime back..
there is always bad advice around out there thats why good growers like you are needed here better stick around this time my also be the only way to lure lime back..

hey girl how u been
still no lime but i found his email address and will send him a email tonite

edit i decided why wait and sent him email off site just now
there lways bad advice around out there thats why good growers like you are needed here better stick around this time my also be the only way to lure lime back..[/QUOTE
Thank you little lady.. I will do my best this time.. and I just talked to that shy guy on friday.. or emailed him I should say hes hella happy cause hes getting to hang with his kids for a while..
there lways bad advice around out there thats why good growers like you are needed here better stick around this time my also be the only way to lure lime back..[/QUOTE
Thank you little lady.. I will do my best this time.. and I just talked to that shy guy on friday.. or emailed him I should say hes hella happy cause hes getting to hang with his kids for a while..

thats great news i remember that was a issue before and really was getting to him
i shot him a email today too havent heard back