topping/cutting plant in half

before the ridicule begins, yes I know I should've flowered earlier however due to living arrangements I wanted to wait to flower so that moving them was done during veg when they're more resilient. now I'm in a new place and finally able to flower and with the light as high as it will go I was thinking about cutting the top foot or two from each shoot to give the girls room to stretch and grow. also the mother in the closet is way too big for the space and I'm thinking about cutting her pretty much in half. my question is with some clone ex and making sure to strip the outer skin, am I going to have any issues rooting these cuts and how detrimental will it be?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't cut them in half man. You can take the top and train it, meaning tie it down bending it without breaking It and each day pull it down a little more and a little more until its almost half its size. And keep it tied down like that. The plant will take the branches from the center of the plant that are now at the top of the "U" shape after bending it and focus its energy on that. You will yield a lot more that way and you wont shock the plant as much as cutting the top foot off or even in half, which could possible hermie it from the extreme stress. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
those things are very tall and slender, they need bigger pots
they have good potential because of all the shoots everywhere
but the main stem is very skinny
get them in bigger pots much bigger

what about growing them out horizontally ?
bend it over and tie it down so all the little side shoot point upwards
this will reduce the height a huge amount and you will not need to chop them up
i think in new pots with lots of light they could yield well

I ended up taking twine and pulling the girls over. I do plan on getting these girls into bigger pots before getting too far into flowering, just haven't made it to the hydro shop for them.