Topping - first experience.


Well-Known Member
So, I have a blueberry plant that was taking much longer than my wappa to bush out. Due to my low budget lighting, I usually veg 24/7 for 1 month after the seed pops (which I did with the wappa) but the blueberry was too small to bother vegging.

Anyway, I got a new I've decided to really bush out this blueberry. I've never topped before...but I figure since its veg isn't under any time constraints I would try it.

Well, I topped the main top of the stalk, and it split just like it was supposed to into 2 parts - sweet deal!

So far down can I top the branches? I topped the next 2 below the top two if that makes sense. Like, the second node-set down just a few minutes ago. I'm going to wait and see how its reaction to that is and maybe top further down.

So, can EVERY node be topped? Or should I stop topping at a certain height?

Also, can a top be topped?


Well-Known Member
if you top it as a seedling and it produces 4 colas, you can top those 4 and then your done with topping


Well-Known Member
Ok, thanks. Its not a seedling at the moment.

So, does that mean you can only top a total of twice on one branch, or twice on the entire plant?

Its about a foot and a half tall now, with 10 or so nodes. I topped the first one, and the tip of 2 lower nodes.

So, should I stop topping then? Or...?


Well-Known Member
I would wait until there are at least 5 nodes and then top above the second one. check out UB topping method or my 400w organic grow to see the results of UBs method.


Well-Known Member
you told him to not top more than twice. why??? i top mine as many times as i can until about 4 weeks before they start to flower and i have had excellent results. my kush plant has atleast 50-60 tops. i pinch just the very top leaving the 2 side leaves at the bottom of the new growth. i do this every other node and on every single branch. check out the pics. the pic named mystery plant is the only on that was only topped once. kush plant-5ft, the big one in the hedge-7ft, the mystery plant-6ft... I SAY TOP UNTIL YOU DROP!!!!


Well-Known Member
Can't argue with those results! Although, I don't think my 150w HPS can handle that...might have to mix in my 150w of CFL too rofl. I couldn't get mine that big, but its nice to see I can top a lot. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have ready many guides that say you shouldn't top more than twice, more colas means more buds but they will be proportionally smaller and with dozens of thin stems they are more likey to break or bend over and every time you top it "shocks" the plant takes it more time to repair the cut end and grow more colas. Also bigger buds look more impressive, like comparing sizes in the locker room.


Well-Known Member
I have ready many guides that say you shouldn't top more than twice, more colas means more buds but they will be proportionally smaller and with dozens of thin stems they are more likey to break or bend over and every time you top it "shocks" the plant takes it more time to repair the cut end and grow more colas. Also bigger buds look more impressive, like comparing sizes in the locker room.
Very true, but I only grow for myself anyway. Maybe if I were elsewhere or didn't have to hide my smoking from my girlfriend I'd like to grow buds the size of my forearm...haha. I'd rather have smaller ones that are easier to stash anyway.

I guess its all a matter of experimentation, no? ;)