Topping help


Active Member
Just wondering... when is a good time to top plants? I am in week 3 or veg. I'm planning on two more weeks of veg then its on to flower. also give me ideas on topping videos for technique. thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i usually top anywhere above the 5th node...but you can do it b4 then if u please really up to you...follow UB's guide


Well-Known Member
A node is where each new set of leaves/branches form, you want to cut at the inter-node (the space between both sets of leaves). It's very easy just don't cut any leaves or new branch growth. I usually top my plants right above the second set of leaves then again a few weeks later when the main branches have fully formed.


Well-Known Member
Those plants are both the perfect age to start topping. I see about 5 sets of leaves on both plants. I would top them above the 4rd set, right above the first set of 5-bladed leaves. It will allow the new branch growth to receive direct light and it will grow 4-6 main tops.


Active Member
so let me get this straight..... start from the bottom of the plant..... count up...... and cut between the 4th and 5th set of leaves???? is that right???? and will this work if i already lollipopped?


Well-Known Member
The plants are a bit young to start lollipopping. You should wait until the branches fully form first, but yeah start from the bottom and count up, or just cut right above the first set of 5-bladed leaves.


Well-Known Member
you see where you got new leaves growing in? cut between that and the set below it and forget about it. i don't think about it any more I just start hackin shit up.


Well-Known Member
Basically yes, but if you cut the top-most set of leaves be careful not to accidentally cut the new branch growth right below. This is actually a technique called FIMing that when done correctly can create 4 new branches instead of 2, but if done incorrectly it can damage the plants. It's safer to go 1 node lower so you don't damage any potential branches.