Topping/Sexing Help Needed Uncle Ben!!


Well-Known Member
First the topping emergency. I failed to follow your instructions and this is the tragic result :(

When I climbed the ladder I counted about 80 or so main colas.


Should I trim all but 4 - 6 or do you think it will be OK?

And do these look like balls to you?

Yes, definately balls. IMG_1072.JPG

I have managed to shave about 10 strokes off my game so far this year, hope all is well with you. :weed:
when it buds you need to snap a pic throwing deuces behind the "main cola"... except it would just be 2 finger tips poking out either side.
Holy crap, look at those balls! Shiny and brand new!

Damn, those are some fine looking plants. I gotta ask what size are those fabric pots, soil you used and plant food?

I bet one of those plants is gonna return 4 pounds of bud. Showing sex yet?

When are you gonna start defoliating? :mrgreen:

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Holy crap, look at those balls! Shiny and brand new!

Damn, those are some fine looking plants. I gotta ask what size are those fabric pots, soil you used and plant food?

I bet one of those plants is gonna return 4 pounds of bud. Showing sex yet?

When are you gonna start defoliating? :mrgreen:


Those would be 150s, I used the subcool mix and let it cook for about 3 months, and I have just started to brew some teas so they have had nothing but Roots and the "supersoil". On a side note it took a 32 gallon trash can of supersoil and 12 bags of Roots to fill the bag but a much better alternative to digging holes, so say my old knees. As for defoliation the wind is trying to do that for me as I had to repair damage again yesterday, my sheep/goat wire should be here tomorrow so I can cage the bitches. The only plant that is showing sex so far is a Big Bud that I have in a 100 gallon. Pics here :)
Man....when I see pictures like that.....I really hate indoor growing.
Yeah me too...

Here are some of her sisters :) The two in the foreground are White Rhino (L) and Trainwreck (R), as an experiment neither has been topped and they are just over 7' now. It will be interesting to see what happens. Everything will be in 100s and 150s and barring a late season catastrophe I will be using the same recipe again next season.

I am soooo fucking jealous of this. How long until retirement?

I will be giving this up at the same time I quit eating pussy, and breathing. Approximately 1/3 of what I grow is made into RSO and given to cancer patients. I am a selfish man and why would I quit doing something(s) that makes me feel so good. Besides it is really hard to enjoy naked gardening..........without a garden. :weed:
Man cave, but outdoors. ;)

You can also build cages out of a 50' roll of 5' W concrete mesh reinforcing wire.

100 gal.? Try RootMaker products or better still copper hydroxide paints for root pruning. You can get by with much smaller pots, less maintenance.

I grew 7' tall O. Haze in 3 gal. pots sunk 3" into the soil. Roots grow out of the drainholes and reap the benefit of harvesting water and salts that has drained off into native soil.

Wind....I feel your pain. My outdoor plants get nailed by very gusty south winds coming out a valley and up a hill. It's like a 10 mph wind becomes 35 by the time it reaches my place.
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Wow....! I have so much to learn........... Really nice. Your girls look real impressive.

Question....?.... Does weed help your golf game?

It certainly does and the Scorpions blasting through my headphones doesn't hurt either. :grin: I'll PM you about the CS later today.