Topping Violator Kush,...Good or Bad???


Hi everyone,... I was wondering if anybody had any experience with topping violator kush from Barney's Farm..
After I had done it I was told that it wasnt a good idea as heavy indicas dont like being topped.. So do you reckon i should just get some more on the go or will the girls be OK?
Thanks in advance everyone..


P.S... I was growing them for mother plants (If that makes a difference).:joint::hump:


Well-Known Member
I have had the same experience with Kush, its not that you lose yield, its just the two buds grow to be about the same as one.
So I would say its not a bad thing, theres just no advantage in doing it.


Thanks for that...I think i am going to start another two seeds to grow mother plants and just flower the two topped ones cos they seem to have slowed right down now...