topping vs not topping


Active Member
ok if ur growing in a room 2m high (plenty of room imo) do u gain any advantages from topping? how does it effect yield? does it have varied results depending on set up and strain?
if so (hyperphectiaclly of cors) i got 10 euforia seeds in a nft setup under a 600w hps (also have a 400w available) room 1.2mx1.2mx2m

so to sum up, should i top? and shud i use the second light?
thanks adz


Well-Known Member
if you do top, plan on vegging for a few weeks after. don't do it close or into the flowering schedule. wait for about 5 -8 internodes and then top, wait a few weeks for the lower branches to start shooting for your light, then tie 'em down and spread them out evenly so they all get good light.... then start flowering. I usually do this to keep mine from getting taller and it usually helps the yield out alot, but some strains don't work very well with this method so do what makes sense as always..
i believe you get more yield when you top a plant. under lights there will be more plant closer to the light when its topped.
instead of 1 top bud close to the light there will be 2-4 top buds close to the light
more light=more bud